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 英语 词库
spc 名词
矿业 special
spc. 缩写
缩写, 图书馆员 special
spc 缩写
缩写, 炸药 specific fuel consumption
SPC 名词
军队 single prime contractor; spare parts catalog; special common; special-purpose code
技术 Siemens power corporation; special program code; speech-processor chip; standby pressure control; stored program controller; stored-program control; suppression pool cooling; sync pulse generator
缩写 Samurai Pizza Cats; Solar Protective Coating; South Park Coalition; Space; State Province Country; Statistical Process Control; Strategic Planning Committee; Strategic Planning Conference; Supreme Political Committee; Santa Cruz de la Palma, Canary Islands; Satellite Processing Center; Schools Pupil Council; Science Program Committee; Semi-Permanent Circuit (Telstra); Senior Political Committee; Sientific and Production Company (Амбарцумян); SIGINT Processing Center; Small Penis Carrier; Society for the Prevention of Crime; Software Productivity Consortium; Solution Partner Center (IBM); Sort Parts Carefully; Sound Processing Core; Special Player Character; Special Procedure Cost; Star Patrol Cruiser; State Power Corporation; special common (projectile); series-to-parallel coverter; set-point computer control system; Single Person Company (ofptrues); Stored Program Command; Stored Program Control Exchange; Strategy Planning Concept; Stupid Pointless Crap; Suicide Prevention Care; Supplementary Player Character; survey of population change; suspended plaster ceiling
缩写, 专利 summery of product characteristic (iwona); Supplementary Protection Certificate (Markbusiness)
缩写, 信息技术 Scsi Primary Commands; Service Program Code; Service Provider Code; Stored Program Control; Text to speech
缩写, 军队 Specialist; Strategy and Planning Committee; Soldier Portable Charger (qwarty)
缩写, 军队, 航空 Science Program Committee
缩写, 化学 self-polishing antifouling coatings
缩写, 医疗的 Spleen Cell; Spleen Cells; Synthetizing Protein Complex; Systemic To Pulmonary Collaterals; Summary of Product Characteristics (при описании лекарственных сресдтв, препаратов. Igorek); summary of product characteristics (Пахно Е.А.); symptoms/problems/complaints (критерий безопасности и эффективности при исследовании нового продукта медицинского назначения kat_j); sickle-shaped particle cell; single palmar crease; suprapubic catheter (Анастасия Беляева)
缩写, 商业活动 Special Purpose Company (Alexander Oshis); Segregated Portfolio Company (Natalya Rovina)
缩写, 安全系统, 信息技术 Software Protection Code
缩写, 实验室设备 standard plate count
缩写, 库页岛 corrected
缩写, 技术 shift profile chart
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Student Paper Competition
缩写, 气象 Atari Compressed Spectrum file Bitmap graphics; Small Peripheral Controller; WordPerfect Special Temporary file
缩写, 汽车 specification
缩写, 油和气 offshore subsea production module (MichaelBurov); subsea production complex (MichaelBurov); subsea production module (MichaelBurov); subsea production unit (MichaelBurov); underwater production unit (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 生物技术 Stem and progenitor cell (Altuntash)
缩写, 电子产品 SCSI protocol controller; secondary point code; semi-permanent connection; semitransparent photocathode; shared peripheral controller; signal processing chip; silverplated copper; slave processor control; software production center; solid phase crystallization (method); space power combiner; speech path controller; speech processor chip; split charging service; static pressure compensation; stencil process control; stored program computer; subscriber program controller; supervisory process control; surface photoconductivity; switching and processing center; synchronous point command; system power control; stored program control (led)
缩写, 电子产品, 科学的 Series Parallel Capacitor; Standard Plate Count
缩写, 电气工程 split-phase current
缩写, 电缆和电缆生产 Super Physical Contact (Тип полировки волоконно-оптического коннектора Nuntius)
缩写, 畜牧业 soybean protein concentrate
缩写, 组织机构名称 Secretariat of the Pacific Community; Staff Pension Committee
缩写, 编程 single point control (ssn); statistical process control (ssn)
缩写, 聚合物 soap, perfumery and cosmetics; strain of the polymer crystal
缩写, 股票交易 St. Paul Companies, Inc.
缩写, 航海, 科学的 South Pacific Commission; Storm Prediction Center
缩写, 航空 shipping and packing cost; skin panel changes; software product control; stall protection controller
缩写, 苏格兰语 Special Projects Co-ordination (UK); Synthetic Particulated Chaff
缩写, 药店 supplementary protection certificate (Natalya Rovina)
缩写, 萨哈林岛 corrected sp
缩写, 计算 SCSI-3 Primary Commands (Vosoni)
缩写, 计算机网络 standard peripheral controller
缩写, 财政 Statistical Programme Commitee
缩写, 运动的 Service
缩写, 邮政服务 Statistical Programs Coordinator
缩写, 防空 signal processing controller
缩写, 项目管理 statistical process control (Alex_Odeychuk)
缩写, 马卡罗夫 spindle control
能源行业 spare parts catalogue
SPC -- 缩写
缩写 corrected sp
缩写, 军队 Senior Political Committee
Spc 缩写
缩写, 地球科学 sporangial cap
SPC 缩写
石油/石油, 缩写 subsea production system
缩写 soft permanent virtual connection; smart pedestrian crosswalk (eugeene1979); smart pedestrian crossing (eugeene1979)
缩写, 信息技术 system program controller
缩写, 公司名 Satellite Positioning Corp.; State Petroleum Corp. (Sudanese); Syrian Petroleum Company
缩写, 商业 Singapore Petroleum Company
缩写, 商业活动 service parts catalogue; silver-plated copper
缩写, 地球科学 Satellite Positioning Corp; satellite processing computer; sliding pressure coefficient; State Planning Commission; supply of production casing; Syria Petroleum Company
缩写, 导弹 specific propellant consumption
缩写, 技术 Self Polishing Copolymer (fa158); Specialty Polymer Coatings (fa158)
缩写, 电 serial-to-parallel converter
缩写, 电信 stored program controlled; stored program controlled system
缩写, 石油/石油 service parts catalog; set point control; single point cone; single porosity composite; Sorbent Products Co.; stable pressure coefficient; stones per carat; Supreme Petroleum Council
缩写, 空间 safe passage corridor; Science Programme Committee; scintillation proportional counter; service provider centre; set point computer control system; shuttle processing contract; signal processing center; space polymer chemistry; Space Projects Center; Strategic Planning Council; synthetic particulate chaff
缩写, 航空 semi permanent connection; signaling point code; spare parts classification; statistical processes control
缩写, 食品工业 soy protein concentrate (aldrignedigen)
: 2 短语, 2 学科