
   英语 意大利语
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环境 ordinanza
| of
一般 di
| June
一般 giugno
| 26
化学 E766; salinomicina sodica
1995 | on
一般 il; su
| the
财政 agenzia gestita da terzi
| Hygienic
医疗的 igienico
| and
一般 e
| Microbiological Standards
 microbiological standard
养鱼 standard microbiologico
| on
地球科学 电子产品 acceso
| Foods
医疗的 nutrimento
| Utility
法律 经济 servizio pubblico
| Articles
财政 statuto
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ordinance ['ɔ:dɪnəns] 名词
经济 ordinanza f
ordinance A rule established by authority; a permanent rule of action; a law or statute. In its most common meaning, the term is used to designate the enactment of the legislative body ['ɔ:dɪnəns] 名词
环境 ordinanza f
 英语 词库
ordinance ['ɔ:dɪnəns] 名词
法律 statute or regulation or law made by an authority; A regulation made by a local government to enforce, control, or limit certain activities
法律, 缩写 ord.
缩写 ord
Ordinance of June 26,1995,on the: 2 短语, 2 学科