
   英语 意大利语
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Framework Agreement
 Framework Agreement
一般 accordo quadro di cooperazione
 framework agreement
经济 accordo quadro
法律 财政 contratto quadro
| on
一般 il; su
| Cooperation
一般 cooperazione
| between
运输 tra; in mezzo a
| the
财政 agenzia gestita da terzi
| European Economic Community
 European Economic Community
法律 财政 Comunità economica europea
| and
一般 e
| the
财政 agenzia gestita da terzi
| Cartagena
地理 英语 Cartagena
- 只找到单语

framework agreement
建造 accordo-quadro m
法律, 财政 contratto quadro
经济 accordo quadro
Framework Agreement
一般 accordo quadro di cooperazione
Framework Agreement on Cooperation between the European Economic Community and the Cartagena: 2 短语, 1 学科