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 英语 词库
sm 缩写
农业 soil moisture
化学 starting mass (Alexx B)
医疗的 systolic murmur
油和气 smooth
缩写 serviceman; sheet metal; simulator; submissile; sustained medication
缩写, 医疗的 symptom
缩写, 石油/石油 small
造船 sea margin (MingNa)
sm. 缩写
缩写, 图书馆员 semi-monthly
聚合物 small
SM 缩写
军队 sappers and miners; secretary's memorandum; security manual; sergeant-major; service manual; service member; shell model; shelter management; shop maintenance; simulated missile; simulation model; single manager; situation map; soldier's manual; special memorandum; staff memorandum; Standard missile; state militia; storage mark; strategic missile; Submariner; supply manual; support munitions; surface missile; system manager
商标 Saama
技术 scan mode; scanning mode; scattering matrix; scheduled maintenance; security manager; servomotor; shift manager; shuttle management; signal master; signalman; space mirror; space multiplexing; stationary medium; step motor; stepping motor; studio microphone; submarine; supply and maintenance; supporting members; switch memory
气象 sea mile
油和气 submersible motor
缩写 Safety Management; Samoan; Saturday Morning; Service Mark; Simple Majority; Standard Model; Structural Model; Selective mutism (Artjaazz); steam medium pressure; Memorandum by the Secretary, JCS; Sadism And Masochism; Sadism Masochism; Sado Masochism; Sado Masochistic; Salvage Mechanic; Samsung Motors; sausages and mashed potatoes; Sulzer Medica; Scheduler Message; Score Of Matching; Scripture Mastery; Security Matter; Security Monitor; See Message; Selection Mechanism; Service Mode; Set Mode; Sexual Magic; Shawn Michaels; Side Mounted; Simple Monopoly; Simply Marvelous; Singer Machine; Single Mom; singlemode (Yeldar Azanbayev); Sixteen Millimetre; Small Machine; Smart Modules; smoothing; Software Modem; Solar Modulation; Soldier's Medal; Soling Machine (shoes); Sparse Mode (PIM, Multicast); Spell Menu; St. Marys Railroad Company; Staff Month (20 Days); Stage Manager; Statute Mile; Stephen Marshall; Steven Mead; Stone Mill; Stress Migration; Student Mail; Student Miss; Stupid Mother; Stupid Movement; Sub Manager; Super Mini; Super Mongo; Supreme Master; Switching Module (AT&T 5ESS); Martin steel; Siemens-Martin steel; scientific memorandum; screw motorship; security manuel; selector marker; semi-mobile; semimonthly; senior member; steel-making; surface measure; system manual; session manager; sulfamerazine
缩写, 人工智能 Selection Matrix; Shape Measure; Simultaneous Masking; Stochastic Match
缩写, 信息技术 Shared Memory; Shell Model; System Manager; services mark; storage module
缩写, 光学 single mode
缩写, 免疫学 smooth muscle
缩写, 公司治理 single member (igisheva)
缩写, 军队 Surface Mount; Survey Methods; System Monitor; Secretary, Joint Staff, memorandum; Service manager; spectrum management
缩写, 军队, 航空 flight simulator
缩写, 冶金 Siemens-Martin process
缩写, 制图 saw mill
缩写, 化学, 科学的 Samarium
缩写, 医疗的 Small Membrane (protein); Suckling Mouse; Smooth Muscle; StrUmpell-Marie (syndrome); Strümpell-Marie (syndrome); Sclerosis multiplex; sadomasochism; shigella mutant
缩写, 商业 single management; standard memorandum
缩写, 商业活动 salvage money; same; secondary market; Service Module; Shop Manual; standard minute; station master; streptomycin
缩写, 地球物理学 speedometer multiplier
缩写, 地球科学 surveying and mapping; sampling method; seasonal model; sillimanite; soil mechanics; spectrometer; stable megablocks; super mud; supra-marginal; surface microlayers; susceptibility meter; suspended matter; suspended minerals; sverdrup-munk method
缩写, 大规模杀伤性武器 Subcontractor Management
缩写, 库页岛 square meter
缩写, 性和性亚文化 sadism & masochism (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 技术 steam main (Andrey250780); Canadian searchmaster
缩写, 收音机 statute mile (1,6 км nosov99)
缩写, 政治 San Marino
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Supplementary Materials
缩写, 文件扩展名 Script (ScriptMaker); Smalltalk language source code file; Text document (Samna Word)
缩写, 毒理学 sterigmatocystin (igisheva)
缩写, 汽车 seller's market; serve motor
缩写, 照片 Speed Midget
缩写, 生产 Site Management (организация работы производственной площадки Eleanor Rigby)
缩写, 生物学 Master of Science
缩写, 生物技术 somatomedin
缩写, 电子产品 safety margin; Schottky barrier type GaAs mixer diode; secondary menu; semiconductor memory; sensory memory; sequential machine; serial mode; server mirroring; service master; service message; service model; session monitor; shell mapping; signal monitor; site manager; sleep mode; software maintenance; solid modeling; source module; standby mode; standby monitor; statistical multiplexer; statistical multiplexing; status manager; stepping motor; stereo microphone; stereomicroscope; stochastic model; stress induced migration; subminiature; sum of squares of mean; supermode (laser); supervision module; surface mounting; switched module; switching module; switching matrix; switch manager; swiveling mirror; synchronous modulation; synchronous monitor; system management; system margin; system measurement; system memory; service module
缩写, 电气工程 stability margin; synchronous machine
缩写, 石油/石油 surface measurement; sea mark; select magnet; signal meter; silty matrix; soft medium (formations); soft to medium (formations); South Mexico; special material; special method; spectrographic method; spinning machine; spray metal; standard manual; standard meter; static mixer; steam meter; storage modulus; styrene methylmethacrylate (resin); styrene monomer; supramarginal; Sverdrup Munk method; synchronous modem; synchronous motor; synthetic drilling muds
缩写, 矿业 sales manager
缩写, 硅酸盐行业 silica modulus
缩写, 科学的 Sailor Moon; Simple Model
缩写, 空间 San Marco Platform; sandwich moulding; shuttle mission; space medicine; static margin; status modifier; structure model; subsystems module; successor matrix; supply module; synchronous multiplexer
缩写, 纺织工业 Small Medium; strict middling; shipment memorandum
缩写, 编程, 信息技术 Storage Manager
缩写, 罕见/稀有 sole member (igisheva)
缩写, 聚合物 single-mode (Челядник Евгений)
缩写, 航天 Structural Model Programme
缩写, 航空 Support Media; shared mode; station manager; statute miles; summer; supplementary modes; sales marketing; seal modifications; section manager; section model; self-monitoring; shear modulus; short missile; special machine; special message; splice; squeezing machine; standard microscope; status monitoring; supplier management; system mechanics
缩写, 航空医学 sensory-motor task
缩写, 苏格兰语 Sandeep Metalcraft Pvt Ltd (India); Simulation Module; Smoke; Special Mission (USA); Svenska Marinen
缩写, 药店 sample manager (самплер (СВЭЖХ) gavsyatina)
缩写, 计算 Simpson's multipliers
缩写, 计算, 信息技术 Smart Media
缩写, 计算机网络 secondary memory; shared memory; Smart Card; security management
缩写, 财政 Staff Memorandum
缩写, 软件 search manager (igisheva)
缩写, 钻孔 starting motor
缩写, 防空 storage management; super network management
联邦调查局 Summary
能源行业 Saltzmann method; security margin; simplified model; source multiplication
Sm 缩写
技术 samarium
缩写, 地球科学 mean specific heat; smectite; smithsonite; spinel-monticellite rock
能源行业 allowable stress intensity; mineral sulfur