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 英语 词库
ato 缩写
缩写 according to others
ATO 缩写
军队 action technical order; air task order; air training officer; air transport officer; airborne tactical officer; aircraft technical order; area traffic officer; assisted takeoff; aviation test office
技术 aeronautical telecommunications operator
缩写 Abort- To- Orbit; Alternative Trade Organisation; Anti Terrorist Organization; Assemble To Order; Assembled To Order; Air Tasking Order Frag-Assigns air-to-air and air-to-surface targets, TOTS, and mission support information; air tasking order (USAF DoD term nosov99); Air Transfer Order; Allied Travel Office; Automatic Trunk Offices; Abort To Orbit НАСА. shuttle
缩写, 信息技术 analog test output; assemble-to-order
缩写, 军队 Air Target Officer; Air Tasking Order; antiterrorism officer
缩写, 医疗器械 auto tissue optimization (автоматическая оптимизация изображения (функция аппарата УЗИ) Dimpassy)
缩写, 商业 alternative trade organization
缩写, 商业活动 aviation turbo oil
缩写, 商标 Aquitaine Total Organico
缩写, 塑料 antimony trioxide
缩写, 媒体 Are They On
缩写, 安全系统 authorization to operate (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 密码学 approval to operate
缩写, 导弹 assist take-off
缩写, 政治 Australian Taxation Office (ElviVine); Anti-Terrorism Officer (Artjaazz); anti-terrorist operation (http://goo.gl/7duVWM Artjaazz)
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Agro Technologisch Onderzoek; Alpha Tau Omega
缩写, 林业 African Timber Organisation (MichaelBurov); African Timber Organization (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 澳大利亚表达 Australian Tax Office
缩写, 电子产品 Antimony Tin Oxide (сурьмяно-оловянный оксид CSB); Africa Telecommunication Organization; antimony-doped tin oxide; automatic throughput optimization
缩写, 石油/石油 assisted take off; Atlantic Ocean
缩写, 空间 Apollo test and operations; abort to orbit
缩写, 纺织工业 Air Transport Office
缩写, 组织机构名称 Arab Tourism Organization
缩写, 股票交易 Asset Turnover; Atmos Energy Corporation
缩写, 航天 Abort To Orbit
缩写, 航空 aborted take off (Interex); aborted take-off; African telecommunication organization; after take-off; air task tasking order; assembly to order; assembly tooling order; authority for tool order
缩写, 苏格兰语 Abort-To-Orbit; Actual Time Over; Aircraft Transfer Order; Ammunition Technical Officer (UK); Assisted Take-Off
缩写, 英式英语 ammunition technical officer
缩写, 警察 Area Training Officer
缩写, 运输 Air Traffic Operations Service; Automatic Take Off; Automatic Train Operation; Automatic Transmission Out
能源行业 authority to operate