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turning movements
运输 Stärke des Verkehrsstromes einer Fahrtrichtung
通讯, 运输 Staerke des Verkehrsstromes einer Fahrtrichtung
 英语 词库
turning movement
军队, 后勤 A variation of the envelopment in which the attacking force passes around or over the enemy's principal defensive positions to secure objectives deep in the enemy's rear to force the enemy to abandon his position or divert major forces to meet the threat. Related term: envelopment. (FRA)
美国 A variation of the envelopment in which the attacking force passes around or over the enemy’s principal defensive positions to secure objectives deep in the enemy’s rear to force the enemy to abandon his position or divert major forces to meet the threat (JP 3-06)
turning movements: 1 短语, 1 学科