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cyberspace ['saɪbǝspeɪs] 名词
一般 Cyberspace m; künstlicher Raum; grenzüberschreitende Computernetzwerke
微软 Cyberspace m (The universe of environments, such as the Internet, in which persons interact by means of connected computers. A defining characteristic of cyberspace is that communication is independent of physical distance)
通讯, 信息技术 grenzberschreitende Computernetzwerke
cyberspace ['saɪbǝspeɪs] 形容词
信息技术 virtueller Raum
教育 Cyberraum; Cybernetzwerk
替代性纠纷解决 Umschreibung für das Internet
计算机网络 Cyberwelt
 英语 词库
cyberspace ['saɪbǝspeɪs] 形容词
美国 A global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information technology infrastructures and resident data, including the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers (JP 3-12)
: 3 短语, 3 学科