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Superior Court
法律 Obergericht n (dretgira d'appellaziun, dretgira superiura); Appellationsgericht n (dretgira d'appellaziun, dretgira superiura); Kantonsgericht n (dretgira d'appellaziun, dretgira superiura)
美国人 Kreisgericht n
superior court
法律 oberstes Gericht; höheres Gericht
Superior Court higher court
法律 Höhere Gericht
 英语 词库
Superior Court
缩写 Sup
缩写, 法律 Super.Ct.
superior court
法律 court that is higher than an inferior court, but lower than an appellate court; Trial court; meaning varies from state to state
Superior Court: 4 短语, 2 学科