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SIS [sɪs] 名词
移民和公民身份 Système d’information Schengen
si [si:] 名词
技术, 化学 résine silicone; si m
 英语 词库
SIS [sɪs] 名词
军队 satellite intercept system; semiautomatic imagery screening; sensor image simulation; special information system; special intelligence service; special investigation section; standard indexing system; strategic intelligence summary; supply item status; synchronous identification system; system integration support
技术 safety injection signal; safety injection system; satellite infrared spectrometer; satellite inspector system; scanning imaging spectrometer; semiconductor-isolator-semiconductor; Shuttle inertial system; Shuttle information system; site integrated schedule; software implementation specification; software integration schedule; sound-in-sync; special inspection services; special isotope separation; stellar-inertial system
气象 standard isobaric surface
缩写 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium; Saratoga Independent School; Secret Intelligence Service; Social Information System; seismic information system; SAGE interceptor simulator; SAIL interface system; Saws Information System; Schengen Informational System (Объединенная европейская информационная система mannas); Schwer Ionen Synchrotron; Scientific Investigation Study; Sean Is Stupid; Selective Inquiry System; Shut-In Society; Signal Intelligence Service; Significant Indications Summary; Soccer In the Streets; Software Information Services; Sister; semiconductor-insulator-semiconductor; stator interstage seal; system information service; Soul In Satanist; Space Intelligence System; Special Industrial Services; Special Intelligence Service of FBI; Special Intelligence Support; Special Intelligence System; standard instruction set; Steal Ideas Shamelessly; Strategic Intelligence School; strategic interplanetary system; Stupid Impossible Scenarios; surfaced or dressed one side; Susceptible Infective Susceptible
缩写, 信息技术 Simple Instruction Set; state information system (igisheva)
缩写, 免疫学 skin immune system
缩写, 军队 Strategic Information System; System Integration and Support; special information systems
缩写, 农业 Seed Information System
缩写, 医疗的 National Library Of Medicine Specialized Information Services; Serotonin Irritation Syndrome; Simian Sarcoma; Simulator-induced Syndrome; Small Intestinal Submucosa; Surgical Infections Society; Système D'Information De Santé; sterile injectable suspension; Surgical Infection Society; Saline infusion sonohysterography (WAHinterpreter); saline ultrasound, saline sonogram (WAHinterpreter)
缩写, 商业 Software-Intensive System
缩写, 商标 Schengen Information System
缩写, 地球物理学 sequential indicator simulation (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 地理 soil information system
缩写, 塑料 Swedish Standardization
缩写, 宗教 Scripture In Song
缩写, 密码学 short integer solution
缩写, 技术 safety-instrumented system (новейший аналог ESS Karabas)
缩写, 教育 School Internet Server; Success In Science
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Science Information Systems; Student Information System
缩写, 文件扩展名 Psion Software Installation file
缩写, 汽车 solenoid idle stop; service information system; side impact sensor; starter interlock system
缩写, 油和气 Satellite Instrumentation Shelter (Yeldar Azanbayev)
缩写, 法律 Suspended Imposition Of Sentence
缩写, 流行病学 susceptible-infected-susceptible (Natalya Rovina)
缩写, 生理, 医疗的 Self Injury Support
缩写, 电子产品 Safeguard information system; science information services; scientific instruction set; secondary injection system; semi-insulating substrate; silicon interconnect substrate; silicon on insulating substrate; simulation interface system; single information system; sonic inspection standard; sound-in-synchronous; spatial image system; spatial information system; special interest subgroup; submarine integrated sonar; superconductor-insulator-superconductor (junction); system integration service; signaling service; subscriber identification signal
缩写, 电子产品, 科学的 Safety Instrumented System; Superconductor Insulator Superconductor
缩写, 石油/石油 safety instrumentation system; satellite instrument shelter; satellite instrument station; satellite instrumentation shelter = LER (local equipment room)
缩写, 移民和公民身份 Schengener Informationssystem; Córas Faisnéise Schengen; Sistema di Informazione Schengen; sistema ta’ Informazzjoni Schengen; Schengen informasjonssystem; Schengenski informacijski sistem; Schengens informationssystem
缩写, 空手道 stall inhibit system
缩写, 纺织工业 Salon International Sportswear, Monte Cario
缩写, 组织机构名称 Self-Insurance Scheme
缩写, 经济, 公司治理 strategic information systems
缩写, 编程 student information system (ssn); safety instrumented system (ssn)
缩写, 编程, 信息技术 Shimano Index Shifting; Spectrum Internet Suite
缩写, 聚合物 styrene-isoprene-styrene (Alexander Oshis)
缩写, 股票交易 Paine Webber Group, Inc.; Share In Savings
缩写, 自动化设备 science information service; science information source; science information system; Sorting and Inspecting systems
缩写, 航天 Statistical information systems
缩写, 航空 secure interface system; serial input system; service item summary; simulator interface system; software integrated schedule; space and information system; spares item split; standard instruction sheets; standard interface specification; system integration schedule; Safety Information System; Safety Integrated System
缩写, 苏格兰语 Security Information Service (Croatia); Stall Inhibitor System; Super Instrumentation System
缩写, 萨哈林岛 Safety Instrument System
缩写, 警察 Social Information Systems
缩写, 邮政服务 Sack Induction Station for BMC Sack Sorters replaced by BDSIS on 12-19-91; Short Interval Scheduler
缩写, 防空 SAFE suite Internet scanner; strategic intelligence service
缩写, 骑自行车 Shimano index system; Shimano indexed shifters
SI [si:] 缩写
缩写 Scientific Investigation (iwona)
缩写, 医疗的 similarity index (ННатальЯ)
缩写, 地震学 shot interval (Vicomte)
缩写, 警察 senior investigator (Val_Ships)
sis [sɪs] 缩写
缩写 sister (сестра Val_Ships); sound-in-syncs
缩写, 商业 sales
Sis [sɪs] 名词
商标 Southern Iron and Steel Works Sdn Bhd (Малайзия)
SiS [sɪs] 缩写
缩写, 电子产品 Silicon Integrated Systems (Corporation); Silicon Integrated Systems Corp.
Sis [sɪs] 缩写
缩写, 石油/石油 Silesian
SIs [sɪs] 缩写
缩写 smart instruments (ssn)
SIS [sɪs] 缩写
石油/石油, 缩写 styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymer
缩写 strategy information system
缩写, 公司名 Seismic Image Software, Ltd.
缩写, 医疗的 Subject Information Sheet (ННатальЯ)
缩写, 图书馆员 Specialized Information Services National Library of Medicine (iwona)
缩写, 地球科学 scanning imaging spectrophotometer; scientific information system; semi-implicit schemes; sequential indicator conditional simulation; Seto Inland Sea (Japan); siltstone; Swedish Interplanetary Society
缩写, 安全系统 Security of Information Standard (ixtra)
缩写, 工程地质 slope information system
缩写, 建造 Subcontractor Instruction Sheet (MingNa)
缩写, 石油/石油 sandy intrasparite; scanning imaging spectroradiometer; seaborne instrumentation system; shale index selector; steam injection simulator; system interrupt supervisor
缩写, 移民和公民身份 System Informacji Schengen
缩写, 空间 Safeguards information system; semiconductor/insulator/semiconductor; shock-induced separation; shuttle imaging spectrometer; signal in space; solar isotope spectrometer; spark ignition system; stage interface simulator; sound in synchronous
缩写, 经济 short interval scheduling
缩写, 航空 service interphone system; signaling interworking subsystem; spares investment study; stall identification system; software interface specification
медицSIS 缩写
缩写, 医疗的 инфузионная соногистерография с физиологическим раствором ('More); соногистерография с инфузией физиологического раствор ('More)
: 22 短语, 7 学科