
   英语 荷兰语
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一般 Raad
政治 Raad van de Europese Unie; Raad van ministers
养鱼 Raad
法律 一般 raad van beheer
| act
艺术 akte
法律 besluit
通讯 regeringsbesluiten
环境 akten
| drawing
行业 建造 冶金 draadtrekken
| up
通讯 信息技术 in bedrijf
the | Convention
环境 overeenkomst
based on | Article
法律 regelgevend gedeelte
K.3 of the | Treaty on European Union
 Treaty on European Union
经济 Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie
| on
地球科学 电子产品 ingeschakeld
the e
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Council ['kauns(ə)l] 名词
一般 Raad m
政治 Raad van de Europese Unie; Raad van ministers
Council of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation ['kauns(ə)l] 名词
养鱼 Raad van de Organisatie voor de instandhouding van zalm in de Noord-Atlantische Oceaan
council ['kauns(ə)l] 名词
法律 raad van beheer
council development ['kauns(ə)l] 名词
法律, 经济 ontwikkelingsraad
 英语 词库
Council ['kauns(ə)l] 名词
政治 Council of the European Union (Alexander Matytsin)
council ['kauns(ə)l] 名词
军队, 缩写 cncl
Council act drawing up the Convention based on Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the
: 1 短语, 1 学科