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名词 | 缩写
 英语 词库
fr 名词
油和气 E/L from east line; fair; fractional; from the; frosted
矿业 franco
缩写 fragment; frame; franc; front
缩写, 医疗的 friction
缩写, 地球科学 franckeite; resonant frequency
fr. 缩写
缩写 former; frame; franco; free; freight
缩写, 商业 fresh; frozen
缩写, 图书馆员 for
缩写, 地球科学 fragment; from
缩写, 技术 frequent
FR 名词
军队 facilities request; failure report; field report; film reader; film report; final release; final report; flash ranging; fleet reserve; flight readiness; flight report; fragmentation; frequency range; full repair; functional reliability; functional requirements; furlough rations
国际运输 flat rack (container)
技术 degree Fahrenheit; fast reactor; fast release relay; fault repair; field reliability; field resistance; film recording; flow regulator; flow restrictor; franklin; Fraunhofer region; frequency-measuring device; frequent; Fresnel region; friction ratio; fusion reactor
气象 route forecast
油和气 fractionator
生态 fisheries research; flocculation ratio; flow recorder
生理 Frequency of respiration
缩写 Freiburg; French; Friday; Fund Raising; Fast Recovery; Father Right; FEDERAL Regulation; field reversing; Fielding Runs; Fire Retardent; Fire Road; First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc.; First Responder; Fitting Response; Flame Retardant; Flat Rack; Forest Root; Form Report; Form Run; Former Republic; Free Ride; Front Radiating; Functional Requirement; fundamental research; The Federal Register (is a daily Federal Government publication that provides a uniform system for publishing Presidential documents, all proposed and final regulations, notices of meetings, and other official documents issued by Federal dep artments and agencies. Alex Lilo)
缩写, 信息安全 false reject
缩写, 免疫学 framework region
缩写, 军队 fighter reconnaissance; frequency response
缩写, 制图 fixed red; forest reserve
缩写, 医疗的 Frankel functional regulator (MichaelBurov); Frankel's functional regulator (MichaelBurov); free radical
缩写, 商业 Foreign Releasable
缩写, 土壤科学 ferralsol; fragipan phase; friable
缩写, 塑料 flame retardants
缩写, 安全系统 false rejection; fault report
缩写, 心理学 fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement
缩写, 政治 France
缩写, 林业 forest restoration
缩写, 核能和聚变能 fast reactor (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 汽车 friction-reducing (snowleopard); front-engine, rear-wheel-drive (Natalya Rovina); fest release; fill pipe restrictor; font; front right; fuel return
缩写, 消防和火控系统 fire regulations (igisheva)
缩写, 瑞士术语 Fribourg (двуязычный кантон (63 % населения говорят на французском языке, 29 % на немецком) на западе Швейцарии. Столица — город Фрибур (фр.) или Фрайбург (нем.) 'More)
缩写, 生理 Frequency of Respiration
缩写, 生理, 医疗的 Fracture; Full Range
缩写, 电子产品 flow rate; Faraday rotation; Faraday rotator; field ring structure; film readout; final rinse; flag register; forced release; frame reject; free routing; frequency reuse; function register; fuzzy recognition; features register; full rate (voice coding)
缩写, 电子产品, 科学的 Frequency Response
缩写, 石油/石油 feed rate; first reading; first recording; formation resistivity factor; from
缩写, 经济 Federal Reserve (System)
缩写, 罕见/稀有 federal regulations (igisheva)
缩写, 聚合物 fatigue-resistant; fire retardant; fire-resistant
缩写, 能源行业 fast release
缩写, 航海, 科学的 Federal Register; FEDERAL Regulations
缩写, 航空 flight rules (4uzhoj); fan recirculation; fan rotor; fighter return; filter recirculation; fineness ratio; fir resistant; flexible rule; flight refueling; flight rule; fluid resistance; flush riveting; forming roll; fuel requested
缩写, 苏格兰语 Flight Refuelling; France (NATO country code)
缩写, 计算机网络 failure rate; frame relay; fault repair
缩写, 计算机网络, 信息技术 Frame Relay
缩写, 财政 French Republic
缩写, 运输 Final Rule
缩写, 透析 Facility Round
缩写, 通讯 fast rewind
缩写, 钱币学 Fair
缩写, 防空 frequency
缩写, 除害虫 smoke rodlet
能源行业 fatigue-resistance; fire-retardant; first round; frequency responce; fuel ratio; fuel recycling; fuel reprocessing
Fr 名词
油和气 Fahrenheit; Reynolds number factor
缩写 formation resistivity; Father; Francium; France; Friar; Friday; Froude criterion; Froude number; frullato
缩写, 医疗的 French (gauge, scale)
缩写, 医疗的, 拉丁 frater
缩写, 地球科学 frontal
缩写, 石油/石油 fluorite; Foraminifera
Fr. 缩写
缩写 franc; France; French; Friday; fruit
缩写, 图书馆员 frontispiece
缩写, 石油/石油 Fahrenheit
frs 缩写
缩写 francs
FR 缩写
缩写 failure report; reducing flame; Federal Regulation (Ying)
缩写, 劳工组织 feasibility report (igisheva)
缩写, 商业活动 fixed ratio; for; former; free; freight; fuel remaining; riboflavin
缩写, 地球科学 fixed residue; flocculation reaction; fractures; freezing rain; frequency-measure device; full renovation; right femur
缩写, 展览 flat rack container
缩写, 牙科 Frankel functional regulator (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 石油/石油 flow recorder; full repair; in-situ fracture ratio; F formation factor derived from resistivity-log value; failure record; fault recognition; field rheostat; filtrate reducer; flexible response; fraction of reads (ratio); friction reducer; fuel remained; full release; furan resin
缩写, 空间 firing room
缩写, 纺织工业 freight release
缩写, 经济 facility request
缩写, 肿瘤学 fraction dose (Баян)
缩写, 航空 flight recorder
缩写, 药理 fludarabine and rituximab
缩写, 计算机网络 fixed routing