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 英语 词库
virus ['vaɪ(ə)rəs] 形容词
信息技术 A program with the ability to reproduce by modifying other programs to include a copy of itself (A virus may contain destructive code that can move into multiple programs, data files or devices on a system and spread through multiple systems in a network)
医疗的 A microscopic infectious agent that requires a living host cell in order to replicate. Viruses often cause disease in humans, including measles, mumps, rubella, polio, influenza, and the common cold. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
缩写 v
VIRUS ['vaɪ(ə)rəs] 缩写
缩写, 信息技术 Vital Information Resources Under Siege
缩写, 军队 Very Important Resource Under Siege
缩写, 安全系统, 信息技术 Vital Information Resource Under Siege
缩写, 编程, 信息技术 Very Important Resource Under Search
缩写, 计算机网络, 信息技术 Virtual Information Resource Under Seize