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形容词 | 缩写
big [bɪg] 形容词
一般 bras (Yerkwantai)
 英语 词库
BIG [bɪg] 缩写
缩写 Beach Improvement Group; Beauty Is Great; Best In Group; Bovine Implosion Grenade; British, Italian, And German; Building Industry's Greatest; Business Instead Of Game; Bastards In Gaming
缩写, 信息技术 Buffered Image Graphics; Chinese text
缩写, 军队, 航空 Biggsfield
缩写, 医疗的 Bone Injection Gun
缩写, 商标 Blackland Income Growth; Brothers Investment Group
缩写, 犬种 BIG
缩写, 电子产品 bismuth iron garnet; bismuth-substituted iron garnet; broadband integrated gateway; bundle-integrated-guide
缩写, 石油/石油 Bibliography and Index of Geology
缩写, 老兵专用医药, 医疗的 Biosciences Imaging Group
缩写, 股票交易 Best Investment Group; Broad Investment Grade
缩写, 肿瘤学 Breast International Group
缩写, 航空 Big Delta, Alaska USA
缩写, 警察 Bullet In the Gut
缩写, 运动的 Baseball Is Great; Burlington International Games
缩写, 防空 beacon trigger generator
Big [bɪg] 缩写
缩写, 石油/石油 Bigenerina