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名词 | 缩写 | 短语
source [sɔ:s] 名词
微软 burim (A disk, file, document, or other collection of information from which data is taken or moved)
 英语 词库
source [sɔ:s] 名词
军队, 后勤 In intelligence usage, person or thing from which intelligence information/clue are obtained. A source is either open or secret, depending on whether one can name it or not, without running the risk of compromising it. (FRA)
军队, 缩写 sce
缩写 so
缩写, 多媒体 International information support centre
美国 A person, thing, or activity from which information is obtained. 亦见 agent, collection agency; In clandestine activities, a person agent, normally a foreign national, in the employ of an intelligence activity for intelligence purposes. 亦见 agent, collection agency; In interrogation activities, any person who furnishes information, either with or without the knowledge that the information is being used for intelligence purposes (JP 2-01) 亦见 agent, collection agency
SOURCE [sɔ:s] 缩写
缩写, 电子产品 simulation of utilization resource, cost and efficiency
Source [sɔ:s] 名词
编程, 缩写 S
缩写, 文件扩展名 .src (file name extension)
SOURCE [sɔ:s] 缩写
军队 simulation of utilization of resources, cost, and efficiency
缩写 Sovereign Omnilord Of Unanimous Regency And Caliber Excaliper
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Students Organized For Using Resources Conscientiously And Efficiently
缩写, 邮政服务 Source or origin of mail (MODS report abbreviation)
: 12 短语, 1 学科