
   Українська Англійська
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заг. what; that; how; which; what
розм. whatever; whatso; whatsoever
IT to the effect that; to the extent that
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довк. labour
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до фраз
що спол.
заг. what (Yerkwantai); that (Yerkwantai); how; which; what (який, котрий); as; that (часто опускається); why
дип. must just note that
розм. whatever; whatso; whatsoever
юр., лат. quod
IT to the effect that; to the extent that; always supposing; due to; given; granted; in the sense; insomuch; the point is; whence it follows that
що- спол.
заг. every; the most
що? спол.
заг. huh
що... спол.
IT reasoning from this fact
що працю
: 13 фраз в 6 тематиках
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