
   Іспанська Англійська
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політ. Meetings
геогр. Réunion
заг. union
заг. joining; junction; briefing
комп., Майкр. meeting; meeting
патент. session; conference
| de
заг. out of
| Expertos
заг. functional expert
| sobre
зв’яз. IT transmission envelope
| adolescencia
ох.здор. teenage
| delincuencia
ек. delinquency
| y
заг. and
| prevencion
ох.здор. prevention
del | delito
юр. crime
| en
комп. at
| la
риб. poke line
| region
ек. region
| de
заг. out of
| la
риб. poke line
- знайдено окремі слова

до фраз
reunión m
заг. joining; junction; briefing
комп., Майкр. meeting (An online gathering of people facilitated by software that allows participants to view, and optionally control, shared content and communicate with each other using various means, such as a telephone conference call); meeting (An online gathering of people facilitated by software that allows participants to view, and optionally control, shared content and communicate with each other using various means, such as a telephone conference call)
патент. session; conference
політ. meeting
текстиль. list
тех. assemblage; combination; join-up
reunion m
заг. union
Reunión m
геогр. Réunion
Reuniones m
політ. Meetings
Reunion de Expertos sobre adolescencia, delincuencia y prevencion del delito en la region de la
: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці
Організація Об'єднаних Націй1