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legal servicesнаголоси
заг. юридическое сопровождение (the work performed by a lawyer for a client. Found on law.com Alexander Demidov); юридическая поддержка (Legal services are the services involving legal or law related matters like issue of legal opinion, filing, pleading and defending of law suits etc by a lawyer or attorney practicing law related services Found on legal-explanations.com Alexander Demidov); услуги юридического характера (work done by a lawyer for a client: provide/offer legal services "Families of many of the victims were sent to attorneys offering free legal services. director/head of legal services "She works as head of legal services for the Wisconsin Health Care Association. a legal services group/organization/provider "The organization is a nonprofit legal services group. "The firm has consolidated its position at the top of the legal services market. CBED Alexander Demidov); квалифицированная правовая помощь (work done by a lawyer for a client: provide/offer legal services "Families of many of the victims were sent to attorneys offering free legal services. director/head of legal services "She works as head of legal services for the Wisconsin Health Care Association. a legal services group/organization/provider "The organization is a nonprofit legal services group. "The firm has consolidated its position at the top of the legal services market. CBED Alexander Demidov)
військ., авіац. юридическая служба
ек. фирмы, оказывающие юридические услуги; юридические услуги (напр., нотариальные конторы)
квед услуги юридические (ОКПД 69.10 europa.eu 'More)
юр. законные услуги; предоставление законных услуг; услуги в области юриспруденции (Alexander Demidov); правовая помощь (work done by a lawyer for a client: provide/offer legal services "Families of many of the victims were sent to attorneys offering free legal services. director/head of legal services "She works as head of legal services for the Wisconsin Health Care Association. a legal services group/organization/provider "The organization is a nonprofit legal services group. "The firm has consolidated its position at the top of the legal services market. CBED Alexander Demidov); юридическое обслуживание; юридическая деятельность (Alex_Odeychuk); юридическая помощь (Alex_Odeychuk)
legal service
Gruzovik военная юстиция
військ. предоставление юридической помощи (Киселев)
Макаров юридические фирмы
юр. законные услуги; предоставление законных услуг; юридическая служба; официальная доставка и вручение (юридических документов Yan Mazor)
Legal Services
нафт.газ., сахал. юридические услуги (cost element – WP&B)
 Англійський тезаурус
legal services
кіно An attorney or a law firm which is responsible for a broad range of legal services related to filmmaking film, television, music, digital media and entertainment, including, but not limited to the counseling, drafting and negotiation of subscription and investment agreeemnts, development and production agreements, cast actor and crew agreements, distribution agreements, and other related agreements, as well as intellectual property concerns.
legal services
: 90 фраз в 24 тематиках
Військовий термін13
Велика Британія2
Загальна лексика11
Засоби масової інформації1
Класифікація видів економічної діяльності6
Нотаріальна практика1
Публічне право1
Системи безпеки1
Сполучені Штати Америки1
Шведська мова1
Юридична лексика28