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Макаров be disturbed; be in a fine stew; be in the air; be uneasy; be worried; feel anxiety for
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заг. annoying
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беспокоить дієсл.наголоси
заг. be not so disquiet; distract; gravel; molest; offend; pain; perplex; pester; potter; push; pushing; put to it; roust; ruffle; sit upon one's skirts; solicit; trespass on; trespass upon; turmoil; turn; wring; wringer; worry; give sb. trouble (кого-л.); upset; disturb; bother; trouble; afflict; ail; fret; incommode; harass; concern; discomfort; discommode; discompose; disquiet; flutter; gall; gnaw; harry; perturb; vex; pother; commove; annoy; disoblige; embarrass; exercise; fret gizzard; ferret; fuss; herry; perturbate; bug; unsettle (контекстуальный перевод на русский язык Alex_Odeychuk); beset (Ista); disquieten; deliver troubles (Soulbringer); put to trouble (просить кого-либо о чём-либо Tamerlane); commote; fidget; reck; be someone's concern (my biggest concern is… Евгений Тамарченко); be a nuisance (I'm sorry to be such a nuisance, but I need your help again. VLZ_58); inconvenience; feeze; keep on the alert; cause concern (Morning93); stir up trouble (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik worry; disturb (pf обеспокоить)
австрал., сленг rough-house
амер. faze
бізн. bother (smb)
біол. vex (животное)
вульг. rip shit
військ. annoy (противника)
військ., розм. badger
діал. hatter
діал., Брит. worrit (UK dialectal form, now essentially obsolete)
застар. disaccommodate; incommodate; uncalm; wherret
Макаров beleaguer; derange; fret gizzard (кого-либо); afflict with; worry (someone – кого-либо); gnaw at; trouble (someone – кого-либо)
Макаров, сленг drive someone up the wall (кого-либо)
образн. give someone a royal pain in the backside (Халеев)
офіц. be of concern (to someone ART Vancouver)
перен. fretting; harrow; thrutch (Vadim Rouminsky)
рел. tribulate
розм. get to one's head (Technical); kill (о части тела: My hand is killing me from yesterday. Scooper); act up on (My stomach has been acting up on me lately – Меня в последнее время беспокоит желудок VLZ_58)
рідк. toss
сленг put out; bone; drive someone up the wall; get; get in one's hair; hound; put the been on (someone); qualm; rip on (someone); take someone's mind; turn upside down (Interex); weird out (Interex); yank (Interex); give someone the business (кого-либо Interex); give someone a pain (кого-либо Interex); jerk around (someone – кого-либо Interex); roust (кого-либо Interex)
шотл.вир. put about; fash
ідіом. harsh one's mellow (Interex); be a pain (Баян); be a pain (in the ass Баян)
беспокоиться дієсл.
заг. feel anxious (If you are feeling anxious or stressed or tired, you should not start this procedure. – Если вас что-то беспокоит ... ART Vancouver); give a second thought to (VLZ_58); feel bad for (о ком-либо Taras); be troubled by (о чём-либо Johnny Bravo); be in a fine stew; be in anxiety about something; alarm one's self; bul; fear; be in the fidgets; flounce; flounder; take the trouble; turmoil; worry; trouble oneself; brick it; be anxious; bother; care; concern; exercise; feeze; flutter; fret (GothamQueen); stew; trouble; distress oneself; fuss; ruffle; fash; pother; be in a stew; be in a fry; be in anxiety about (о чём-либо); fret gizzard; fret over (о чём-либо); fret the gizzard; have the fidgets to be in a fidget; vex oneself about (о ком-либо); worry about (о чём-либо); get perturbed (chajnik); have kittens (Anglophile); be looking over one's shoulder (Дмитрий_Р); bother about (Alex_Odeychuk); agitate oneself; feel uneasy; tremble for (о ком-либо); put oneself to some bother (Andrey Truhachev); be in a flap; think of; go on (о ком-либо); be uneasy about; fidget; think; feel strongly about (Dude67)
Gruzovik give oneself pains (to do something); worry about; put oneself out (impf of побеспокоиться); be uneasy about (impf of обеспокоиться)
Игорь Миг be antsy
австрал., сленг sweat blood
амер. run scared (The polls don't look too good for our candidate and he's running scared. Val_Ships)
бізн. find disturbing (Johnny Bravo); mind
вульг. fly like a shit in a hurricane
дип. pass
діал., Брит. worrit
застар. flowk; retch
Макаров be disturbed; be in a fine stew; be in the air; be uneasy; be worried; feel anxiety for; feel anxiety over; feel the draught; relieve oneself; stew up; trouble about; trouble over; fret (о лошади); be up in the air; bother one's head about something (о чём-либо); fash one's head; fret over something (о чём-либо); have a troubled breast; trouble head about (о чём-либо); be in a fidget; have the fidgets; feel bad about (о чём-либо); feel concern about (о чём-либо)
Макаров, розм. exercise about; exercise over
Макаров, Шотл. fash one's thumbs about; fash oneself
мат. be concerned about
перен. fretting
розм. exercise (о чём-либо); sweat; get the needle
сленг graum; cook (Interex); sweat bullets (Interex)
юр. tear
беспокоящий дієприкм.
заг. gnawing; unsettling; annoying; incommodious; disturbing (Taras); worrisome (Mosley Leigh)
Игорь Миг unwanted (= мешающий, ненужный, лишний)
бізн. worrying
військ., тех. nuisance
застар. molestful
мед. offending (Wakeful dormouse)
розм. pesky (kee46)
сленг mess; off-putting
беспокоящийся дієприкм.
заг. anxious; nervous (о чём-либо); concerned (Franka_LV); solicitous; protective (о детях родитель alexghost)
австрал., сленг toey
амер. torn up (Taras)
беспокоит дієсл.
заг. feel strongly about (Dude67)
беспокоиться дієсл.
розм. play on one's mind (That was a big mistake – but it had been playing on my mind so much. (BBC) Putney Heath)
беспокоящее дієприкм.
військ. nuisance minefield (Киселев)
беспокой дієсл.
рідк. babel (Супру)
about беспокоиться дієсл.
Шотл. fash one's thumbs
беспокоящее , раздражающее: 2 фрази в 2 тематиках