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геогр. Tyne
заг. enigma; mystery; arcanum; privacy; privity; secrecy
дип. dark
| известная
мат. the known
| только
заг. only
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іменник | прикметник | до фраз
тайна імен.наголоси
адвокатская тайна; тайна исповеди; тайна переписки; врачебная тайна
заг. enigma; mystery; arcanum (преимущественно из области физических наук и политики); privacy; privity; secrecy; hugger mugger; privileged information (врачебная/банковская/адвокатская тайна = privileged medical/banking/legal information. People with access to privileged medical information should bear that in mind before openly discussing it as this is a clear breach of ... | Will HMRC give privileged bank information which is of no real use to them to the French tax authorities under the mutual assistance directive ... | Counsel's opinion relates to privileged legal information for the Council which is being provided to you as a member of the Planning Committee ... Alexander Demidov); concealment; confidence; secret; privilege; privilege (адвокатская, врачебная и т.п. – см. соответствющие статьи); riddle; counsel; privateness; trust; question (big question/великая тайна Zippity)
дип. dark
дип., амер., розм. graveyard
застар. concealedness
застар., груб. hugger-mugger
зах.дан. Secret
перен. petto
рідк. a cat in the meal-tub (амер. Bobrovska)
тайны імен.
заг. arcana; arcanum
великая тайна імен.
дип. dark secret
р. Тайн імен.
геогр. Tyne (Великобритания)
тайный прикм.
заг. secret; stealthy; vague; privy; backstairs; furtive; covert; dark; clandestine; occult; underhand; esoteric; mystic; offscreen; sly; sneaking; subterranean; surreptitious; underground; underhanded; arcane; back-door (об интригах); behind-the-scenes; hideaway; hole-and-corner; holocryptic; hugger-mugger; lurking; occulted; star-chamber (о казни); under-the-table; undivulged; unprofessed; backstage; closet; cryptic; hedge; hidden; illicit; hieroglyphic (о знаках); abstruse (о мыслях и т.п.); hieroglyphical (о знаках); invisible; cloak-and-dagger (nicknicky777); backdoor; hole and corner; hugger mugger; off stage; star chamber; subterrestrial; remote; secluded; concealed; confidential; stealth; private; quiet; hush hush; inconspicuous (coltuclu); snug; auricular; sub-rosa (sub-rosa meeting – тайная встреча Taras); subrosa (Taras); sub rosa (Taras); classified (Sergei Aprelikov); deep; delitescent; dormant; latent; retired; secreted; uncommunicable; undisclosed; unpublished; inly
Игорь Миг hushed; conspiratorial; below-the-radar; with restricted access (тайный)
амер. classified
бізн. close
дип., амер., розм. inside
ел. cryptical
застар. recluse
книжн. subreptive
Макаров black; colourable; inner; underneath; under-the-table (о сделке и т.п.)
несхв. star-chamber (о казни и т.п.)
рел. abstruse; esoteric (Designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone)
ритор. in disguise (Alex_Odeychuk)
розм. hush-hush; back-room
сленг chicken; under the table; bootleg; skilamalink (secret, shady, doubtful mentalfloss.com КГА); hush-hush (Mexican secret police turned over Sobell to the FBI in a hush-hush border meeting. == Секретная мексиканская полиция передала ФБР Собеля во время тайной встречи на границе.)
тех. mysterious
тибетськ. gsang ba
тайно присл.
заг. underhand; underground; unknown; behind closed doors (4uzhoj); in secrecy; crypto; hugger-mugger; in hugger-mugger; with secrecy; by covert means (sixthson); in secret; he kept his activities under cover; within four walls; under one's hat (ABelonogov); in a hugger-mugger way (Yerkwantai); on the q.t.; privately (Tanya Gesse); stealthily; behind backs; by stealth; sneaky (Shell); sub-rosa (Taras); subrosa (Taras); on the down low (wiktionary  Alexander Demidov); quietly (alexs2011); secretively (suburbian); clandestinely (The terror network is believed to operate clandestinely in more than 60 nations. • The agency clandestinely worked with police and security services. 4uzhoj); occultly; close; closely; cryptically; by girds and snatches; surreptitiously; secretly; covertly (образ действия Vladimir Moutafov); furtively (Aly19); underhandedly (Andrey Truhachev); sneakily (suburbian); latently; discreetly (o-george); underhanded
Gruzovik in an underhand way
Игорь Миг below the radar
австрал., сленг on the quiet
дип. darkly
застар. auricularly; cloakedly; abscondedly; privily; concealedly; crypticly
лат. sub rosa
Макаров in petto; under cover; under the counter; under the table
розм. behind someone's back (Interex)
сист.безп. in a secretive way (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
сленг underwraps; on the sly
фр. huis clos
ідіом. under a bushel (Yerkwantai)
тайное прикм.
яд.фіз., ОПіТБ covert seizure; clandestine diversion (of amounts of nuclear materials)
тайна, известная только: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці
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