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считался дієсл.наголоси
заг. was considered (The Gaelic I learned is the language of farmers and fishermen. In those days, it was considered the language of the poor. – он считался ART Vancouver)
считать дієсл.
заг. esteem (каким-либо); think (полагать); compt; date; do arithmetic; esteem; judge; hold (I hold it good – считаю, что это хорошо; I hold him to be wrong – считая, что он неправ; to hold somebody responsible – возлагать на кого-либо ответственность); count; deem; look; find; guess; compute; feel; make; number; repute (обыкн. pass.); set down as; set down; write down; look on; suppose; allow as how; judge to be (кого-либо, что-либо, кем-либо, чем-либо); look upon; think fit (часто ирон.); say; look on as (кого-либо, кем-либо); conceive of (кого-либо или что-либо, напр., интересным Kibrik); reckon up; set down (кем-либо, чем-либо-as); tell over; presume; take; account; gather (Viacheslav Volkov); take as; think of; accounter (AlexP73); consider (with instr. or за + acc.); reckon; numerate; rate (he was rated the best poet of his time – его считали лучшим поэтом эпохи); see; put down (I put him down for a fool – я считаю его глупым); tally up; call; put; think; vote (Sergei Aprelikov); be of the view (The department is of the view that these exemptions would not likely apply to... 4uzhoj); look on sb. as (кого-либо кем-либо: "For years I have been looking on you as a mere lackadaisical, spiritless young man about town. I see now how wrong I was." (P.G. Wodehouse) – много лет я считал тебя ART Vancouver); have down (за кого-либо: He had you down as a big timer Taras); check (against); play back (from a tape); accept (как глагол-характеристика); believe (глагол-характеристика); cast; claim; envisage; set; conclude (we have concluded that ... – мы сочли, что ... Stas-Soleil); be under the understanding (that grafleonov); daresay; place; construe (Tanya Gesse); peg someone for (кого-либо, за кого-либо;: I never pegged you for such a deep thinker. Я никогда не думал/считал, что ты такой философ/мыслитель. maystay); designate (чем-то katorin); be of the belief (Dyatlova Natalia); take it (VLZ_58); submit (formal : to offer (something) as an opinion or suggestion – often + that I submit that his guilt has not been proven. VLZ_58)
Gruzovik check against (pf of считывать); compare with (pf of считывать)
Игорь Миг rank as; take the view
буд. assume
бур. cipher; score
дип. be of opinion
ек. attribute
ел. enumerate
застар. addeem; accompt; suppute; tell; entreat (кем-либо)
ЗМІ consider
комп. read
комп., Майкр. swipe (To slide a machine-readable card through a magnetic stripe reader)
ліс. tally
Макаров reckon (особ. в уме); believe; judge someone, something to be someone, something (чем-либо; кем-либо; кого-либо, что-либо); opine; give credit for; cast up; check against (сверить); count up; judge (полагать); keep count; look on (за); look upon (глагол-характеристика); make of (что-либо чём-либо, кого-либо кем-либо); pat down as (someone – кем-либо) кого-либо); pat down for (someone – кем-либо) кого-либо); put down (for; кем-либо, чем-либо); put down as (someone – кем-либо) кого-либо); put down for (someone – кем-либо) кого-либо); rate as; reckon as; reckon up (особ. в уме); say to; take someone, something for someone, something (кем-либо, чем-либо; кого-либо, что-либо); take someone, something to be someone, something (кем-либо, чем-либо; кого-либо, что-либо); think that
Макаров, розм. figure up
Макаров, розм., застар. tell off
Макаров, сленг crack up (обыкн. pass употр. в отриц. предложениях)
мат. add up; read from; think (of); read off; suggest; sum up; collate; compare
мет. maintain
мор. measure
нав. rate
нафт.газ be thought (Johnny Bravo)
нотар. figure
офіц. regard as (чем-либо: As a young zealous lawyer, he regarded the representation of his mobster clients as a moral crusade. ART Vancouver)
психол. conceive; describe as; look on (кем-либо); put down as (кого-либо, кем-либо)
психотер. reckon (кого-либо)
рел. adjudge
розм. crush the numbers (VLZ_58); figure someone for the type (кого-либо, кем-либо; I never figured you for the type who... – никогда не думал, что ты из тех, кто... VLZ_58); do math (Sorry, we don't accept cash because our employees can't do math. Vadim Rouminsky)
рідк. tally (обыкн. tally up); hold (I hold it good – считаю, что это хорошо)
сленг, Макаров crack up
тех. count (пересчитывать); treat (рассматривать); play back (from a tape); regard; calculate; register; regard (рассматривать); take a reading; consider (рассматривать)
юр. redesignate (US. О замене нумерации при внесении изменений в нормативно-правовые акты. Пример: Section 1(a) of XYZ Act is amended– (1) by redesignating paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) as paragraphs (5), (6), and (7) Евгений Тамарченко); treat; be understood as (yurtranslate23); suspect (if we suspect that you have breached these Terms of Service sankozh)
Gruzovik, театр. read a part in a play (pf of считывать)
считаться дієсл.
заг. settle accounts; be considered to be; defer to; count; regard (с чем-либо обыкн. в вопр. и отриц. предложениях; why do you so seldom regard my wishes? – почему вы так редко считаетесь с моими желаниями?); date; defer (с чьим-либо мнением); be by way of being (someone – кем-либо); be treated as (masizonenko); conceive of (Kibrik); consult (с интересами и т.п.); rank; bid defiance to; go for; have regard for (с желаниями, чувствами); set at defiance; be expected (MichaelBurov); constitute (чем-л; as alenushpl); calculate; compute; number (= io be, be contained); take into consideration; be widely seen as (Ремедиос_П); be known to be (RL); thought to (olga garkovik); abide by (с чем-либо); reckon (с кем-либо, чем-либо); consider (with с + instr.); square up to (с чем-либо); pass for (чем-л.); be regarded (as); be reputed; think; be reckoned; be taken (for); be credited as (Wiener is credited as the originator of cybernetics SirReal); be considered (Oysters are considered one of the most sustainable foods on the planet. – считаются • Sheep over the age of 1 year are considered mutton, not lamb. – считаются ART Vancouver); be recorded as (in context of calculation or official records); qualify as (The general rule is that even the kind of extreme financial downturns we have seen in recent days do not qualify as force majeure events. 4uzhoj); factor (My opinion doesn't factor? Taras); have consideration for (с чем-то NumiTorum); be believed to be (Andrey Truhachev); the common belief is that... считается, что... (Tanya Gesse); pass for (кем-либо); be reckoned; reckon with (с кем-либо, с чем-либо); be regarded as (Andrey Truhachev); purport to be (чем-либо) It [lycanthpopy] is purported to be a rare disorder. I. Havkin); be looked upon (as ... – кем именно Alex_Odeychuk); count as (The Old Age Security pension and Canada Pension Plan benefits count as income and are taxable. – считаются статьями дохода ART Vancouver); be held to be (слыть: ...“Crimson” desert of the modern Arabs, which is held to be inhabited by protective evil spirits and monsters of death. macmillandictionary.com Abysslooker); take into account; be considered (with instr.); regard smb. highly (kindly, so much that..., etc., с кем-л.); show regard for (smb., с кем-л.); show consideration for (smb., с кем-л.); take account of (sth); take sth. into account
Gruzovik consider; take into consideration; be reputed; be regarded as; number (= be, be contained)
Игорь Миг be touted as
бізн. abide; be deemed to be (Johnny Bravo); reckon with
застар. addeem
Макаров take rank as; fall in (с чем-либо); count oneself; go for (кем-либо); pass as (кем-либо, чем-либо); be reputed (someone – кем-либо); pass for (кем-либо); rate (as); be believed; be thought; be felt; rate
мат. be considered; be taken for; reckon (with)
науков. be classified as something (чем-либо igisheva); be accepted as (рассматриваться A.Rezvov)
нафт.газ be thought (The organisers were thought to have been preparing for days. Johnny Bravo)
розм. settle up (with с + instr., with)
театр. read
юр. honor (требованиями и т.п. sankozh); be deemed (Настоящее Приложение прилагается к Контракту №___ от ___ и считается его неотъемлемой частью. – This Annex is attached to Contract No._____ dd.___, ___ and to be deemed an integral part thereof. Nana S. Guliyan); deem (Nana S. Guliyan); be considered as (кем-либо sankozh)
Gruzovik, конт. be (in the context of calculation or official records: считаться в отпуску – be (recorded as) on leave)
считается дієсл.
заг. it is widely thought (gennier); is deemed to be (ABelonogov); shall be deemed (Yeldar Azanbayev); is regarded as (ART Vancouver); it is generally thought (Slawjanka); it is accepted that (A.Rezvov); is considered to be (Water is considered to be soft in our area unlike the rest of the region, that means we don't need to add as much detergent to it. ART Vancouver); seen to have (reverso.net Jumpow); has gone down as (Tanya Gesse); is seen as (In Israel the language barrier that exists between Arabs and Jews IS SEEN as one of the primary obstacles to coexistence Alex Pike); is believed (+ infinitive: to be, to work, to have, to own, etc.: Jones is believed to be an MI6 agent. -- считается кадровым разведчиком ART Vancouver); is said to be (For instance, white-collar criminals are often allowed to serve their sentences at the weekends only, so that they don’t lose their jobs, whereas ordinary foreign criminals such as drug dealers and thieves are sent to the prison in Nice, which is said to be one of the worst prisons in France. (irishtimes.com) ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг is understood as; is thought to be
архіт. shall be considered as (yevsey); is considered to be (чем-либо yevsey)
бізн. shall be regarded (Yeldar Azanbayev)
вироб. it is regarded (Yeldar Azanbayev)
кліше is considered (Fresh corn is considered a starchy vegetable, but dried corn is considered a grain. Botanists classify corn in the fruit family. • Although Vancouver hasn't topped the list of the world's most livable cities since 2011, our city is still considered one of the best places in the world in which to live. favfamilyrecipes.com ART Vancouver)
офіц. is deemed (The above information is deemed reliable but its accuracy is not guaranteed. – считается надёжной ART Vancouver)
трансп. it is considered (Yeldar Azanbayev)
юр. shall be taken to be (вахтой считается общий период... ABelonogov); shall be interpreted (Yeldar Azanbayev)
считая дієсл.
заг. counting (We started off with five people, counting myself. • On her floor, there were only ten people, counting her. • "How many brothers and sisters do you have?" "I have nine." "Is that counting you?" "No, 10 including me." 4uzhoj)
мат. considering; if we regard; if we count; regarding
считаются дієсл.
заг. listed as (listed as missing – считаются пропавшими безвести Vad); are regarded as (The beautiful star-shaped patterns are regarded as classic examples of Egyptian metal art. ART Vancouver); are considered (Oysters are considered one of the most sustainable foods on the planet. ART Vancouver); are said to be (Often, if something went wrong in 19th-century Ireland, it was the fairies’ doing. And fairy forts, like the one Bridget passed that Monday morning, were said to be where they lived. -- считались / считалось, что (atlasobscura.com) • In folklore and the occult, mirrors are said to be portals and the movie’s vain queen uses this tool to manipulate others together with ritualized magic in her quest to live forever. -- зеркала считаются порталами в другие измерения (paranormaldailynews.com) • The Menehune are said to be nocturnal, living in caves deep within the forest during the day, and to communicate via a series of grunts and growls. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
считай дієсл.
заг. as good as (he as good as promised me • he is as good as fired)
считайте дієсл.
заг. think of something as something (bookworm)
считай дієсл.
заг. as good as
считать: дієсл.
IT number
быть вынужденным считаться дієсл.
заг. abide by (с чем-л.)
считаю дієсл.
заг. as I take it
считают дієсл.
Макаров it is reputed
считалось дієсл.
менедж. it was believed (Александр Стерляжников)
"считать" дієсл.
тех. sense
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