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заг. higher doctorate degree ("Higher doctorates Higher doctorates are awarded in recognition of a substantial body of original research undertaken over the course of many years. Typically the candidate submits a collection of previously published, peer-refereed work, which is reviewed by a committee of internal and external academics who decide whether the candidate deserves the doctorate. The higher doctorate is similar in some respects to the habilitation in some European countries. However, the purpose of the award is significantly different. While the habilitation formally determines whether an academic is suitably qualified to be a university professor, the higher doctorate does not qualify the holder for a position but rather recognises their contribution to research.[18] Higher doctorates were defined by the UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) in 2013 as:[18] an award that is at a level above the PhD (or equivalent professional doctorate in the discipline), and that is typically gained not through a defined programme of study but rather by submission of a substantial body of research-based work." wikipedia.org anyname1); PhD degree (Phd, или Doctor of Philosophy – это ученая степень доктора философии или других специальностей, не касающихся философии (здесь подразумевается совокупность наук, а не специальность), которая присуждается в Америке, Канаде, Германии и ряде других западных стран и является последней ступенью образования Johnny Bravo)
степень доктора наук: 39 фраз в 8 тематиках
Загальна лексика18
Латинська мова2
Науковий термін3