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скоординироваться дієсл.наголоси
тех. coordinate
скоординировать дієсл.
заг. synchronize; mesh (Context: "With their schedules unlikely to change anytime soon – Leigh Ann has two years of nursing school left – the couple is at odds over how to mesh both their social habits and their schedules." Quoted from "My husband's a homebody – but I'm not!", Redbook Magazine, June 2005, p. 106 Katya Zaborova); bring into accordance (Andrey Truhachev)
розм. harmonize (о мероприятиях, задачах итд Andrey Truhachev)
телеком. coordinate (oleg.vigodsky)
тех. coordinate
: 3 фрази в 3 тематиках
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