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Макаров break away; break loose; bunk off; bust out; go off; go over the wall
Макаров розм. chuck off
| не уплатив
 не уплатить
заг. withhold payment
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заг. cabriolet
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сбежать дієсл.наголоси
заг. run away; elope (с возлюбленным); escape; levant; whip; whip away; bolt; do a bunk; do a guy; run away with (с кем-либо, с чем-либо); sling one's hook; cut loose; show brush; take to the woods; screw; break out; get free; get loose; boil over (о продуктах при готовке Moscowtran); fall; flow down; hang over; leave secretly; bunk; decamp (Berezovsky's feud with Putin is well known. They fell out in 2000, and he decamped to Britain to become the Kremlin's most fervent critic.); outrun; defect (сбежал на Запад = defected to the West Alexander Demidov); make it away (Finally, he made it away from the bear and was safe. 4uzhoj); scurry away (scurried away like a coward – трусливо сбежал ART Vancouver); run off (with; с женихом, любовником и т.п.: She ran off with another guy and took the kids with her.); get away (Michael had been the last one over the wall, but now they had to get away from the prison before the guards hunted them down. I. Havkin); bolted (killer probably bolted out the back akrivobo); take flight (4uzhoj); run out on (от кого-либо; источник – reverso.net dimock); get off; give the slip; desert ([dıʹzɜ:t] v -у глагола ударение на второй слог OLGA P.); break out of (The murderer broke out of the prison. Ofelia); be on the run (All the staff are now on the run to the bush for safety. 4uzhoj); run (to a place and return); show one's brush; take the run-out
Gruzovik run down from (pf of сбега́ть); escape secretly (pf of сбега́ть); flow down (pf of сбега́ть); leave secretly (pf of сбега́ть); hang over (pf of сбега́ть); fall over (pf of сбега́ть)
Игорь Миг pull off an escape
австрал., сленг pop off; nip
амер. fly the coop (из тюрьмы; idiom; He has flown the coop. Val_Ships); blow the coop (из тюрьмы; idiom; to make a getaway Val_Ships)
амер., Макаров dog it; peddle one's papers
амер., сленг bug; take a powder
вульг. cut ass
крим.жарг. cop a heel
Макаров break away (от кого-либо); break loose; bunk off; bust out; go off; go over the wall; make off; to male off; run off (with; с женихом); whip out; fly the pit; shoot the pit
Макаров, жарг., Іспан. cop a heel (из тюрьмы из-под стражи); cop a mope (из тюрьмы из-под стражи)
Макаров, розм. chuck off; cut out
Макаров, розм., амер. take a run-out powder
Макаров, сленг, амер. bug out
мульт. break free (I've created a large mutant clone of that little boy there, and he's broken free South_Park)
образн. head for the hills (flee; take to one's heels; cut and run Clepa)
перен. disappear; vanish
розм. scoot; get; take off ("We spent an hour and it kept going back and forth on the fence. And basically it outsmarted us and took off." • He took off to Calgary after the crime spree. – сбежал в Калгари nsnews.com ART Vancouver); dodge; run (for); run to fetch; abscond (Andrey Truhachev); cut (Andrey Truhachev); scram (Andrey Truhachev); skedaddle (Andrey Truhachev); scarper (Br. Andrey Truhachev); clear off; bunk (Br. Andrey Truhachev); do a bunk (Br. Andrey Truhachev); take a powder (Am. Andrey Truhachev); obsquatulate (шутливое выражение shrewd); run and fetch (with за + instr.); run down; run below; of a river, tears, etc. run down; fade (from one's face); skip (with с + gen.); fail to show up for
сленг split; cop a mope; leg; light out; mope; slope; tipping grand; head South (Interex); skip town (VLZ_58); skip (от кого-либо: They found her working as a chambermaid's helper in a luxury hotel, scrubbing bathtubs and bathroom floors and so on. Kerrigan had done just what Mr. Edelweiss expected, cleaned her out while she was asleep and skipped, leaving her stuck with the hotel bill. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); skiddoo; skidoo
спецсл. defect to (Islet)
ідіом. fly the coop (VLZ_58); pull a Roman Polanski (Arky); make a run for it ("Though he tried to make a run for it, Fujiwara was suddenly whisked off his feet and levitated to an orange-colored UFO hovering over a field outside." bizarreandgrotesque.com ART Vancouver)
сбежаться дієсл.
заг. come running (of many people); collect; gather; get used to run as a team; meet; merge; rush; descend (о животных; on/upon just_green); flow together (of a river, road, etc)
Gruzovik rush (pf of сбега́ться); collect (pf of сбега́ться); gather (pf of сбега́ться); meet of a river, road, etc (pf of сбега́ться); merge of a river, road, etc (pf of сбега́ться); flow together of a river, road, etc (pf of сбега́ться)
Макаров come running
перен., розм. run (into); bump (into)
Gruzovik, перен. run into; bump into
попытаться сбежать дієсл.
заг. make a break for it
сбежать, не уплатив
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