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заг. problem; challenge; issue; point; poser; fine point
перен. pothole
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заг. number
| гелия
 гелий I
Макаров helium I
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
біол. HBsAg
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до фраз
проблема імен.наголоси
заг. problem; challenge (сложная, требующая усилий для решения); issue (поднимаемый вопрос: the issues of race and social class • Chris has raised a very important issue. cambridge.org); point; poser; fine point (Notburga); care-about (bel); hurdle; trouble (with something or someone: The trouble with him is that he is seldom punctual. • The trouble with internet is that people are not what they seem to be.); concern (One concern about medicalisation is that people will turn too quickly to a drug to solve their problems. • One concern about RDA is that it does not take into account differences in the scale of income across reference groups at one point of time or within the group over time.); question; puzzle (неясный момент); weakness (проблемное место Alexander Matytsin); disadvantage (в знач. "минус" Мирослав9999); setback (в знач. "минус" Ремедиос_П); big deal (обычно с отрицанием: I'm a former programmer, so messing with code is no big deal for me. But most people don't have these options. • That's a bit of a shame, but considering how comfortable the headset is to wear for prolonged sessions, I don't think it's a huge deal. 4uzhoj); drawback (в знач. "минус" Мирослав9999); thing that's wrong (with/about something: There is only one thing wrong with you: you think too much. • The late Prof. Fred Rodell of the Yale Law School once remarked that there are two things wrong with almost all legal writing: "One is its style. The other is its content. That's about it." 4uzhoj); rabbit hole (Дмитрий_Р); hitch (в знач. "неувязка, нюанс": But there's one hitch. I can't drive. • "Mike, I won't deny it: your plan has some promise. But there's one hitch." "What's that?" "Hugh O'Donnell. His willing cooperation is central to your plan's success."); deep shit (We're in (a) deep shit vogeler)
амер. rub (We'd like to travel, but the rub is that we have no money. Val_Ships); dog (It's not my dog = It's not my problem: So what! It doesn’t matter! Not my dog – И что? Наплевать. Не моя проблема Taras)
бізн. subject; pain point (macmillandictionary.com rvps2001)
Гаваї pilikia (Alexey Lebedev)
ел. job; objective; proposition
ЗМІ headache (Moscow faces the further headache of an expensive, fuel-laden lump of space junk that will at some point fall back to Earth. Alexander Demidov); quandary (The unexpected results of the test have created a quandary for researchers. VLZ_58); bottleneck; bugaboo; challenge
книжн. dysfunction (расстройство, неполадка и т. п. igisheva)
комп.жар. glitch (глюк)
Макаров difficulty (трудность, преграда); obstacle (трудность, преграда)
мат. matter; topic; task; item
перен. pothole (nataliia); roadblock; road-block; bottleneck (в экономике и т. п.); pitfall (MichaelBurov); gremlin (Campagnolo has given us mechanical systems with intransigent gremlins that could seemingly only be cured with ritual sacrifice. wiktionary.org multilinguist)
ракетн. barrier
рел. aporiai
розм. bugbear (Aiduza); hiccup (VLZ_58); hang-up (личного характера Taras)
розм., конт. the hard bit (в знач. "сложность": Getting in to Laos ain't a problem. We can just drive across the border at Nong Khai in Thailand, or cross on one of the river ferries. The hard bit is going to be crossing with all our gear, without making it stick out a foot that we ain't exactly on our summer holidays. 4uzhoj)
сленг jam (Interex); wart (Interex); hangup (Another hangup most students complain of is too little personal contact with the teaching staff – Еще одна проблема, на которую жалуются студенты – это недостаточный личный контакт с преподавателями VLZ_58); son of a gun
сон.енерг. aspect
тех. stumbling block
фр. contretemps (george serebryakov)
Игорь Миг, ЗМІ woe
ідіом. huge biggie (It is a huge biggie. – Это проблема. Alex_Odeychuk)
проблемы імен.
заг. struggles (The Senators had the first four power plays of the game, but their struggles with the man-advantage continued. VLZ_58); problems; headache; issues (the man is suffering from some serious mental issues (mental issues здесь = "проблемы с психикой") Phyloneer); trouble (We have trouble getting staff. – У нас проблемы с набором сотрудников. TarasZ); run-in (with the law: I understand she had a run-in with the law recently. – В последнее время у неё были проблемы с полицией. • During that time he had two more run-ins with the law. One involved the sale of stolen property. The other was for a series of hot checks. Tanya Gesse); care (cares); problematics (Hidden matter problematics are known by cosmologists and particle physicists. I. Havkin); a spot of bother (Коромысло); problematic aspects (sankozh)
бур. aspects
бізн. friction points (Johnny Bravo)
військ. inherent problem
ек. pressures (требующие решения A.Rezvov)
конт. problem (и т.п.)
мед. difficulties (Many of the risks users face with MDMA are ... Psychological difficulties, including confusion, depression, sleep problems, drug craving, severe anxiety, and paranoia – during and sometimes weeks after taking MDMA (even psychotic episodes have been reported)... – Далее приведены многие из тех состояний, с риском возникновения которых сталкиваются лица, употребляющие МДМА: Проблемы психологического характера, в том числе спутанность сознания, депрессия, трудности со сном, психологическая зависимость, тяжёлые тревожные расстройства и паранойя, – возникают в период приёма МДМА, а иногда через несколько недель после его отмены (имеются сведения даже о приступах психоза)... Min$draV)
перен. stormy weather (They have had their fair share of stormy weather in their marriage. VLZ_58)
прогр. considerations (ssn)
розм. hot water (Yeldar Azanbayev)
сленг tzuris; tsuris; aggro (сокращённие от aggravation Beforeyouaccuseme)
IT woe
ідіом. tough sledding (VLZ_58)
SIEB-проблема імен.
ел. steadily injected electron beam; SIEB problem; steadily injected electron beam problem
Проблемы? імен.
заг. what's your problem? (4uzhoj)
розм. Something bothering you? (SirReal)
проблем імен.
шах. problem
сложная проблема імен.
військ. challenge
 Російський тезаурус
проблема імен.
заг. в широком смысле - сложный теоретический или практический вопрос, требующий изучения, разрешения Большой Энциклопедический словарь ; в науке - противоречивая ситуация, выступающая в виде противоположных позиций в объяснении каких-либо явлений, объектов, процессов и требующая адекватной теории для ее разрешения. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
проблема количества гелия в: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці