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позорить дієсл.наголоси
заг. dishonor; attaint; asperse; blemish; discredit (his behaviour discredits him with the public – его поведение дискредитирует его в глазах общества); black; brand; damage; defame; shame; smear; spot; bring reproach on; bring to shame; reflect discredit (о поведении и т. п.; such behaviour can only reflect discredit upon you – такое поведение только позорит вас); humiliate; libel (кого-либо); smirch; stigmatize; dishonour; brand with infamy; cry fie upon (кого-либо); bespatter; debase; desecrate (Aly19); give someone a bad name (кого-либо); stigmatize (someone – кого-либо bigmaxus); name and shame (VLZ_58); besmear; blot; disparage; be an embarrassment to (Kevin, you are an embarrassment to this family. • "He's an embarrassment to the Regiment, because of the falsehoods, lies and embellishments he's used in association with his Special Forces qualifications," says retired Army Sgt. Maj. George Davenport. 4uzhoj); embarrass (SirReal); taint (Abysslooker); ashame; deform; deformed; disgrace; disreputation; disrepute; disvalue
Gruzovik disgrace
Игорь Миг degrade; bring shame on (someone)
застар. note; villanize
книжн. bemean
Макаров stain (репутацию и т.п.); tarnish; wrong; blow on (кого-либо, что-либо); blow upon (кого-либо, что-либо); bring dishonour on (someone); кого-либо); bring reproach on (someone – кого-либо); reflect discredit upon (someone); о поведении и т. п.; кого-либо)
поет. scandalize
рел. attaint (To contaminate morally); profane
сленг burn down (Andrey Truhachev)
позорящий прикм.
заг. opprobrious; obloquious; stigmatic; defamatory; dishonourable; dishonorable; discreditable; scandalous; disreputable; detractions; detractive; detractory; stigmatical; uncreditable
застар. dishonest
юр. infamous; dishonouring
позориться дієсл.
заг. demean oneself (Anglophile); embarrass oneself (4uzhoj); shame oneself (Andrey Truhachev)
Игорь Миг humiliate oneself (В кино вся твоя бездарность налицо. Когда тебе, наконец, надоест позориться на всю страну? (Your complete lack of talent is obvious in the movie. Aren't you sick of humiliating yourself in front of the whole country? (Michele Berdy))
Макаров disgrace oneself
"позориться" дієсл.
шах. grovel among tailenders
: 43 фрази в 7 тематиках
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