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заг. explain yourself
заг. have it out with
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объяснить дієсл.наголоси
заг. put wise to (кому-либо, что-либо); make (Игорь Глазырин); get sth. across; get across to (кому-л.); put (sth.); put it; shed light on (что-л.); throw light on (что-л.); account (this accounts for his behaviour – вот чем объясняется его поведение); authorize; elucidate; explicate; interpret; justify; read; rede; refer; represent; unriddle; put wise about (кому-либо что-либо); put wise of; put wise to; put somebody wise to something; set forth; put over; split the log; explain to (что-либо, кому-либо); unriddle (тайну); run it by (someone: Run it by me one more time, okay? – Объясни-ка мне это ещё раз. ART Vancouver); render an account of; bring something home to (someone – кому-либо Andrey Truhachev); define; tell; unpack (Artjaazz); take somebody through something (что-либо, кому-либо; I'll take you through it one more time, then you can try it yourself. Guts Tonya); commentate; break; go over (Inna Oslon); talk someone through (Can you talk us through your findings? Grebelnikov)
Gruzovik define (pf of объяснять); explain (pf of объяснять)
Игорь Миг give clues
Макаров account for (установить причину); explain to (someone – кому-либо); give one's reasons; make clear; make something clear to (someone – кому-либо что-либо); put a man wise (about, of, to; что-либо; кому-либо); put someone wise of something (что-либо; кому-либо); clear; put someone wise about something (что-либо; кому-либо); put someone wise concerning something (что-либо; кому-либо); put someone wise to something (что-либо; кому-либо)
мат. be responsible for; clarify; give account of; attribute to
науков. ascribe something to something (что-либо, чем-либо igisheva)
офіц. account for (Then how do you account for that? – Тогда как вы это объясняете? • Just two days before her death, Monroe had threatened to hold a press conference revealing what was in her diary, including details of her affairs with JFK and Robert Kennedy and government secrets she'd learned from them, including revelations about UFOs and assassination attempts on Fidel Castro. Rather than take an overdose of pills, Margolis believes she was given a drug-laced enema that knocked her out and accounted for the purplish color of her colon in the autopsy. -- что может объяснить coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
психол. explain something to (someone – кому-либо что-либо)
психіатр. explain something to (someone); что-либо, кому-либо)
рел. inform
розм. bring home the message (что-либо Andrey Truhachev); read off; bring (кому-либо; something) home (to Andrey Truhachev)
объясниться дієсл.
заг. have it out with (с кем-либо); talk; converse; have a talk (with); have it out (with); speak; declare; explain; put oneself across (put yourself across = to express your ideas clearly and effectively so that people can see what you are really like: Emily puts herself across very well. Bullfinch); be accounted for (by)
Gruzovik explain oneself (pf of объясняться); have it out with (pf of объясняться); have a talk with (pf of объясняться); converse (pf of объясняться); speak (pf of объясняться); talk (pf of объясняться); be explained by (pf of объясняться); be accounted for by (pf of объясняться)
Макаров become clear; explain oneself (с); have a talk with; have it out (with); make oneself clear; make oneself understood
мат. be explained; be accounted for by; be due to; result from; be attributed; be explicable on the basis of; be caused by; be explained by; be brought about by; stem from
шах. reveal one's intentions; reveal one's plan
объяснясь дієсл.
заг. define; elucidate; explain; explicate; interpret
объяснённый дієприкм.
заг. declared
мат. explained
хім. given a reason
объяснись дієсл.
заг. explain yourself (Александр_10)
объяснитесь дієсл.
заг. explain yourself (Александр_10)
объяснитесь! дієсл.
військ. explain yourself! (Taras)
объяснить важность: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці
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