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обдумывать дієсл.наголоси
заг. balance; cogitate; debate; cast about for; revolve; meditate; speculate; weight; chew (часто chew on, chew upon); hatch; study; ponder over; turn over; ponderate; premeditate; waff; revolve in the mind; project (план); hold debate with oneself; put on considering cap (что-либо); take stock of (что-либо); reason about a subject (что-либо); speculate on (что-либо); take stock of (рассматривать, оценивать, что-либо); reason; debate a matter in one's mind (что-либо); cast about; debate with oneself (что-либо); have something on mind (что-либо Dyatlova Natalia); entertain the notion of (пример: He entertained the notion of moving to South America elvit); get onto (что-либо); make; think about; think it through (Александр_10); turn something over in one's mind (что-либо); muse; reflect; deliberation; mull things over (VLZ_58); turn something over in one's thought (Johnny Bravo); consider; think over; deliberate; ponder; think; turn (вопрос, проблему); weigh; put on thinking cap (что-либо); see; contemplate (She ... spent the day in the warm spring sun, silently contemplating the events of the past few days.); pore; cast in one's mind; assess (you should carefully assess whether your financial situation is... sankozh); pore (at, on, upon); concert; chew the cud of reflection; digest; excogitate on; excogitate upon; idealize; pause upon; record; ruminate upon; turn in the mind; consider carefully; turn over smth. in one's mind (что-л.); turn over smth. in one's head (что-л.); turn smth. over in one's mind (что-л.); turn smth. over in one's head (что-л.)
амер. excogitate; brood (He brooded the problem. Val_Ships)
амер., розм. cipher out; mull
арх., Макаров agitate; bring something under deliberation (что-либо); take something into deliberation (что-либо)
бізн. contemplate (smth); mull over (smth, что-л.)
дип. speculate (что-либо)
застар. perpend
Макаров pore over at, on, upon; turn in head (что-либо); weigh up; chew on; chew upon; debate a matter in mind (что-либо); bite on (что-либо); brood about (в уме, душе); brood on (в уме, душе); churn; brood over (в уме, душе); brood upon (в уме, душе); cast round; debate in one's mind (что-либо); hatch up (идею, план и т. п.); kick about; look around; look over; look round; meditate on; meditate upon; ponder on; ponder upon; pore on; reason of a subject (что-либо); reason on a subject (что-либо); reason upon a subject (что-либо); speculate about (что-либо); speculate upon (что-либо); think over something (что-либо); think through; turn something over in one's mind; cast around; pore at; pore upon
Макаров, розм. kick around
мат. think of; think out
перен. poise; marinade (Taras)
психол. chew over (что-либо); mull over (что-либо); think over (что-либо серьезно)
розм. mull over; care (about); take care (of); have a think (juliab.copyright)
рідк. cast
сленг noodle (Taras)
ідіом. have in mind (что-либо jouris-t); chew the cud (Bobrovska); get one's thinking cap on (Taras); put one's thinking cap on (Taras)
ірон. cerebrate
обдумываться дієсл.
заг. cogitate; meditate; muse; ponder; reflect; think over; consider
розм. care (about); collect thoughts; take care (of); think better of it
обдумывать: 151 фраза в 16 тематиках
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