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наращивание силнаголоси
заг. build-up; troop buildup (в знач. "войск": The Washington Post first reported on the troop buildup on Saturday. • This spring, a buildup of Russian troops at Ukraine's border caused concern in Ukraine's capital and in Washington. (politico.com) • Russia has moved more than 150,000 troops to various areas around Ukraine’s border. Russian officials have dismissed concerns over the troop buildup as western hysteria, but have also suggested the troops may only be stood down if western capitals accede to Moscow’s demands for a new security architecture in Europe. theguardian.com 4uzhoj)
військ. build-up of forces; build-up of forces (The coalition observed a slow buildup of pro-regime forces over the past week.)
пожеж. buildup
наращивание сил
: 36 фраз в 4 тематиках
Військовий термін17
Загальна лексика9
Закордонні справи2