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как только
 как только
заг. as soon as; no sooner than; directly; scarcely; immediately; instantly
| у
заг. near
| не возникали
 не возникать
заг. not to beat up
| трудности
заг. difficulty
| она
слов’ян. archaic name of the letter о
| писала
іст. арх. stylus
| отцу
заг. father
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до фраз
как тольконаголоси
заг. as soon as; no sooner than; directly; scarcely (he had scarcely arrived when he was told that – едва он вошёл, ему сказали, что); immediately; instantly; as often as; just when as; no sooner but (так); no sooner than (так); the moment (Anglophile); howe'er; whensoever; whene'er; so soon as; no sooner (No sooner we entered there than we heard a shot. – Как только мы вошли туда, мы услышали выстрел.); the second (someone did something bellb1rd); first thing (4uzhoj); first thing when (It's 1am right now, but i'll do it first thing when I wake up. 4uzhoj); no sooner (No sooner had he emerged from his house than a crowd of reporters engulfed him. – Как только он появился из своего дома, толпа репортёров окружила его. (пример TarasZ)); when; once (I have seen cats with thyroid problems that get sores on their head. Once the thyroid problems are fixed, then the sores go away. (пример ART Vancouver); the instant (someone did something); as ever; as much as (в знач. "настолько, насколько": Он нам помогал, как только мог. – He helped us as much as he could.); just as (Побеdа); as (Nadia U.); howsoever; every time (April May); but; but for; by the time; by that time; as well as; no sooner + past action + than (+ сделано что-то); no sooner... than + past action + than (+ сделано что-то)
Макаров on the instant; as fast as; the moment that; the moment when
как только у не: 5 фраз в 2 тематиках
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