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захватит дієсл.наголоси
заг. grab (pf of захватывать)
захватить дієсл.
заг. enrapture; enthrall; invade; jump; possess; pot; make prize of; take by storm; catch; infatuate; carry off a sentry (часового); make a bag of; make a bag; make a good bag of; make a good bag; make a prize of; take the fancy; lay one's hands on; make a clutch; take possession of; take over (In Lake Huron, zebra mussels in one year took over the entire ecosystem. -- захватили • The CCP is attempting to take over the USA across all industries -- pushing spies into U.S. universities and buying U.S. farmland. (Sen. Marsha Blackburn) • A raft of rowdy California sea lions has taken over a private float in Garrow Bay. They showed up a little over a week ago, said David Cottrell, who lives nearby. Oftentimes, the 20 to 30 sea lions are just lazing cheek-to-jowl on the raft and slipping into the bay to eat. Mainly though, Cottrell said, they’re barking. “Are they ever noisy,” he said. “We’ve got all the windows and doors closed, but you can still hear them pretty loud and clear. They pretty much go all night long.” (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver); spoliate; hijack; surprise in the act; get possession of; catch up (в плен); take possession (что-либо); boxing to clinch; engulf; entrap; stop in time; carry; take control of (the city Windystone); lay one's hands on (кого-либо В.И.Макаров); occupy; collar; secure (Notburga); hog; seize (Russia seized part of southern Ukraine in 2014 and backed separatists who started a conflict in large areas of the east.); wrest control of (у кого-либо) контроль над (чем-либо: Biden wrests control of Trump's spotlight and makes first big bet of presidency cnn.com Mr. Wolf); capture; engrasp; fasten upon a thing; gripe; have hold; take hold; get hold; lay hold of; lay hold on (smth., что-л.); overtake; take (often with с собой, along); bring (along); thrill; engross; come over; run away with
Gruzovik take; grasp; clench; grip; encroach; capture; grab (pf of захватывать); entrap (pf of захватывать); engulf (pf of захватывать); stop an illness, fire, etc in time (pf of захватывать)
авіац., публіц. assume the controls of (The hijackers assumed the controls of the Boeing 757, cruising in the airspace near the capital.)
бор. take hold of; seize; grapple
бур. take hold of (оставшийся в скважине инструмент)
ек. take possession
жарт. annex
залізнич. lock in gear
застар. grype
зброя seize up (ABelonogov)
комп. hold; trap
комп., Майкр. grab (To command or capture)
ліс. grapple (грeйфером)
Макаров catch someone out; catch the fancy of (кого-либо); get possession of something (что-либо); make a bag of something (что-либо); make a clutch at something (что-либо); make a good bag of something (что-либо); make inroads upon; pick up; run away (with); take possession of something (что-либо); take the fancy of (someone – кого-либо)
мат. engage
мор. whip
перен. fascinate; captivate; carry away
розм. soil with fingers; thumb; bring (с собой: If anyone is interested in Pitt Meadows kayaking, I suggest Widgeon Creek. Bring a fishing rod! There’s bass in there and you can keep as many as you’d like because they’re invasive. -- захвати удочку reddit.com ART Vancouver); take by surprise; stop; check (in time); soil (by fingering)
сленг catch up (в плен: "These three charlies were caught up yesterday". == "Эти трое "чарли" были захвачены вчера в бою", - говорит Тимоти Тимпсон, кивая капитану на пленных.)
тех. nip; interlock; lock
юр. misappropriate (Право международной торговли On-Line)
Gruzovik, бокс clinch
Gruzovik, перен. thrill (pf of захватывать); carry away; captivate (pf of захватывать); fascinate (pf of захватывать)
Gruzovik, р.лок. lock on (pf of захватывать)
Gruzovik, розм. begin to grab; begin to snatch; begin to seize
Gruzovik, тех. lock (pf of захватывать); interlock (pf of захватывать)
захватиться дієсл.
мат. be trapped (in); be captured (by)
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