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доля в уставном капиталенаголоси
заг. stake in the equity capital (Alexander Demidov); equity stake (Rosneft sealed a $55 billion deal on Oct. 22 to buy TNK-BP. BP will hold a fifth of state-controlled Rosneft. The acquisition, subject to government approval, will give Rosneft extra output and cash flow to finance exploration of Russia’s vast reserves to replace aging fields and ones that are being depleted. TMT – АД); participating interests in the charter capital (ABelonogov); equity interest (Rolls-Royce and Daimler today announce that they have agreed the valuation of Daimler's 50% equity interest in the joint venture Rolls-Royce ... Alexander Demidov); equity stake (Rosneft sealed a $55 billion deal on Oct. 22 to buy TNK-BP. BP will hold a fifth of state-controlled Rosneft. The acquisition, subject to government approval, will give Rosneft extra output and cash flow to finance exploration of Russia’s vast reserves to replace aging fields and ones that are being depleted. TMT Alexander Demidov); interest in share capital (Gr. Sitnikov); shareholding (ООО) или в складочном капитале (товарищество; President German Gref said he was increasing his personal shareholding in the bank by 31 percent this week, and the bank posted profit of 201.2 billion rubles ($6.89 billion) for the first seven months of 2011, a threefold increase on the same period a year earlier. TMT Alexander Demidov)
ек. share of the authorized capital; share of the authorized fund; share of the charter capital; share of the charter fund
юр. participatory interest (goroshko); stockholding (в ООО Leonid Dzhepko); share in charter capital (As a general rule, profit is distributed to shareholders or participants pro rata to their share in the charter capital of a company. DBiRF Alexander Demidov); participation interest (Elina Semykina); business interest (Bloomberg Alex_Odeychuk)
доля в уставном капитале ООО
заг. participatory share (gennier)
бізн. ownership interest (gennier)
долю в уставном капитале
: 31 фраза в 7 тематиках
Банки та банківська справа1
Загальна лексика9
Юридична лексика10