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заг. roughage; hard food; rough food; fibre; coarse food; simple fare ("The thing I admire about that man," said Tuppy reverently, "the thing that I admire so enormously about Anatole is that, though a Frenchman, he does not, like so many of these chefs, confine himself exclusively to French dishes, but is always willing and ready to weigh in with some good old simple English fare such as this steak-and-kidney pie to which I have alluded." (P.G. Wodehouse) – простая, грубая пища ART Vancouver); a hard fare
амер., Макаров roughage (особ. отруби и крупы)
мед. bulky food
рекл. homely fare
грубая пища: 3 фрази в 2 тематиках
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