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фант. wayfinder (тж. Sith wayfinder (Ориентир ситхов) – устройство астронавигации или прибор навигации в гиперпространстве пирамидальной формы; in the Star Wars universe, a wayfinder is a device that allows its user to locate a specific point in hyperspace. Hyperspace is a dimension that exists outside of normal space and time, and it is used by starships to travel faster than the speed of light. Wayfinders are often used by powerful individuals to travel to dangerous or remote locations, such as the First Jedi Temple or the planet Exegol. The first wayfinders were created by the ancient Sith Lords, and they were used to navigate the treacherous hyperspace routes between the Sith Empire's homeworld of Ziost and their various outposts throughout the galaxy. After the fall of the Sith Empire, the wayfinders were lost for centuries, until they were rediscovered by the Galactic Empire. The Empire used the wayfinders to locate and conquer new worlds, and they also used them to develop a new generation of hyperspace engines that could travel faster than ever before. After the fall of the Empire, the wayfinders were once again lost, until they were rediscovered by Kylo Ren and Rey. The two Jedi used the wayfinders to locate the planet Exegol, the hidden lair of the Emperor Palpatine. On Exegol, they confronted Palpatine and defeated him once and for all fandom.com Taras)