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до фраз
во первыхнаголоси
заг. for starters (Sushi? No thanks. For starters, I'm allergic to fish. UlyMarrero)
заг. firstly; first; to start with (you have no right to go there, to start with Olga Fomicheva); first off (в знач. "для начала", "в первую очередь": First off, let me say you do an outstanding job answering everyone, Hilton is lucky to have such a caring staff member. • First off, congratulations on the new addition to your family!); first and foremost; on the first hand; first of all (rechnik); ante omnia; for openers; foremost (обыкн. first and foremost); tо begin with (marena46); for one thing (used to introduce one of two or more possible reasons for something, the remainder of which may or may not be stated: Why didn't we visit? Well, for one thing, it was too far away. And for another, she never invited us. • Sergio was not what Fabio had expected. He was tall, for one thing: tall and athletically built.); imprimis; to begin with
ЗМІ in the first second... place (во-вторых...)
Макаров in the first instance
рел., лат. primo; imprimis (Latin for "among the first things", in the first place; used to introduce a list of items or considerations); ante omnia (Latin for "before all", first of all); primus (Notburga)
розм. to kick off with (Anglophile); for one (в знач. "в частности": I don't like this carpet – for one, it doesn't suit our lounge room at all and it's also much too expensive. 4uzhoj); in the first place (I'm not joining the health club because, in the first place, I don't like their hours, and in the second place, I can't afford the dues. 4uzhoj); for a kickoff (Anglophile)
сленг for starters (DC)
во первых
: 68 фраз в 17 тематиках
Атомна та термоядерна енергетика1
Військовий термін8
Загальна лексика17
Засоби масової інформації7
Картярські ігри1
Науковий термін3
Студентський сленг1