
   Португальська Англійська
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фін. managerial control
корп.упр. high management
мед.біол. вуг. strike
трансп. steering
трансп. пром. steering
юр. ек. executive board; general management; division; direction
IT тех. address
2 | A
комп., Майкр. Браз. A
| Protocolo
ек. Protocol
- знайдено окремі слова

до фраз
direção імен.
бізн., орг.вироб. executive committee
комп., Майкр., Браз. direction (The orientation of an asymmetrical association. Direction is specified with FromRole and ToRole attributes of a NavigationProperty or ReferentialConstraint element in a schema); direction code (A value in a fax or phone activity that indicates the direction of the message. Typically the values are incoming or outgoing)
корп.упр. high management; senior management; top-level management; top management; upper management
мед.біол., вуг. strike
трансп. steering of vehicle
трансп., пром. steering; steering control; steering mechanism
юр., ек. executive board; general management; division; direction
IT, тех. address
Direção імен.
МВФ Front Office (de departamento)
політ. directorate
фін. managerial control; managing board
direção  імен.
заг. directorate
Direcao 2 A – Protocolo: 2 фрази в 1 тематиці