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заг. guide line; precept
ек. guideline
комп., Майкр. policy
мор. leading line
тех. doctrine; general direction; instruction; orientation
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до фраз
Richtlinie f =, -n
заг. guide line; precept
буд. recommendations
бізн. guiding principle; principle; rule
ек. guideline (unverbindliche Leitlinie); directive (EU); directive EU (EU); guidance; guiding rule; standard; guide; guiding line
зв’яз. recommendation (FTZ, DIN)
комп., Майкр. policy (A versioned collection of business rules); policy (A versioned collection of business rules)
ліс. guidelines
мед. guide-line; canon
мор. leading line
перен. rule of thumb
телеком. order
тех. doctrine; general direction; instruction; orientation; precaution; direction; directrix; standard (ICAO)
хім. guideline; rules of conduct
юр. directive; rule of conduct; EU Directive; EU Directives; instructions; directions; regulations; rules; policy; standards
юр., АВС Directive (must be incorporated into national law by the Member States)
Richtlinien f
бізн. guidelines; instructions; principles
комп., Майкр. policy (As set of rules defined by the administrator. For example, the policy may require all users to change their passwords)
суспільс., трансп. directives
IT conventions
Richtlinie 2009
: 11 фраз в 4 тематиках
Юридична лексика2