
   Німецька Англійська
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заг. program; schedule; software
брит. programme
бізн. programme; program; scheme
тех. routine; program; programme
| zum
заг. at
| Schutz vor
 Schutz vor
бізн. security against
| Katastrophen
заг. calamities
| zur
заг. at
| Linderung
заг. alleviation
| ihrer
заг. her
| Folgen
заг. pursue
| und
заг. and
| zur
заг. at
| Vorbereitung
комп. preparing
| auf
заг. on
- знайдено окремі слова

до фраз
Programm [pʁoˈɡʁam] n
заг. program; software (Computer program or other media which require hardware for use to be made of them)
брит. programme
буд. schedule
бізн. scheme
ек. agenda; policy
зв’яз. programme service
комп., Майкр. computer program (A set of instructions in some computer language intended to be executed on a computer so as to perform some task. The term usually implies a self-contained entity, as opposed to a routine or a library); program (A set of instructions that a computer uses to perform a specific task, such as word processing, accounting, or data management)
культур. broadcast
полігр. computer program
політ. manifesto
тех. routine; program (US); programme (GB)
фарма. Program
Programme n
заг. programs
мікроел. software
патент. programmes
Programm Br. [pʁoˈɡʁam] n
бізн. programme
Programm von Ereignissen [pʁoˈɡʁam] n
заг. schedule (of events)
Programm US [pʁoˈɡʁam] n
бізн. program
Programm zum Schutz vor Katastrophen, zur Linderung ihrer Folgen und zur Vorbereitung auf
: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці