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systeme d 'alerte rapide
 Système d'alerte rapide
ООН політ. Early Warning System
 système d'alerte rapide
довк. early warning system
МВФ early warning system model
ох.здор. Community Rapid Information System; rapid system for the exchange of information on dangerous products
фарма. IT харч. rapid alert system
| aux fins de
 aux fins de
юр. for the purposes of; for the purpose of ...
| la
ек. milk
| transmission d'informations
 transmission d'information
комп. information transmission
| relatives a
 relatif à
юр. connected with
| l
тех. Length
| immigration
ек. immigration
- знайдено окремі слова

до фраз
système d'alerte rapide
довк. early warning system Any series of procedures and devices designed to detect sudden or potential threats to persons, property or the environment at the first sign of danger; especially a system utilizing radar technology
МВФ early warning system model
ох.здор. Community Rapid Information System; rapid system for the exchange of information on dangerous products
фарма., IT, харч. rapid alert system
фін. early warning system
Système d'alerte rapide
ООН, політ. Early Warning System (FAO, crises alimentaires)
systeme d 'alerte rapide aux fins de la transmission d'informations relatives a l'immigration: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці
Імміграція та громадянство1