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Convention internationale
 convention internationale
довк. global convention; global convention; international convention
ек. international convention
| pour
патент. with regard to; with respect to; in the case of
| l
тех. Length
| unification
юр. англ. unification
| de
землезн. Dec
| certaines
англ. certain
| regles
мист. ruler
| sur
ох.здор. safe
| la
ек. milk
| saisie conservatoire
 saisie conservatoire
юр. attachment for conservation
| des
землезн. Dec
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до фраз
convention internationale
довк. global convention; global convention A worldwide assembly of national, political party or organizational delegates, or the pact or the agreement that arises from such an assembly that forms, often, the preliminary to an international treaty; international convention Treaties and other agreements of a contractual character between different countries or organizations of states creating legal rights and obligations between the parties
ек. international convention
conventions internationales
довк. global convention
Convention internationale pour l'unification de certaines regles sur la saisie conservatoire des
: 3 фрази в 2 тематиках
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Юридична лексика2