
   Французька Англійська
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комп., Майкр. Work
політ. англ. Bureau
заг. board; board; CCC bureau; management unit
міськ.забуд. desk; office desk; writing-desk
політ. office
| de
землезн. Dec
| coordination
довк. co-ordination
| du
пром. буд. front
| Programme d'action mondial
 Programme d'action mondial
ООН екол. Global Programme of Action
| pour
патент. with regard to
| la
ек. milk
| protection du milieu
 protection du milieu
заг. environmental protection
| marin
політ. seafarer
| contre
хобі. circular parry
| la
ек. milk
| po
геогр. Po
- знайдено окремі слова

до фраз
bureau m
заг. executive board; board; CCC bureau; management unit; EEAS desk; European External Action Service desk; steering committee
буд. office, office building; study; chancery; writing desk
військ., амер. staff section
військ., брит. staff branch
довк. office Any room, set of rooms or building used for the administration of government service, business transactions or other work related activities
міськ.забуд. desk; office desk; writing-desk
ООН, нарк.жарг. officer
патент. agency; chancellery; committee; commission
політ. office
фін. bank branch; branch
юр. Office of the National Council; bureau of the Council of States; executive; executive committee; office of the Council of States
юр., англ. bureau
Bureau m
заг. officers; Steering Committee
комп., Майкр. Work (A field for a contact's workplace telephone number, typically retrieved automatically from the corporate address book); desktop (The work area on a computer screen that simulates the top of an actual desk. The desktop contains the Recycle Bin and other icons (shortcuts to programs, files, folders, and various types of documents such as letters, reports, or pictures) that you can arrange on the electronic desktop just as you would arrange real objects on top of a desk)
кор.коп. General Committee
назв.орг. General Committee of the Conference
політ., англ. Bureau
bureaux m
заг. office accommodation; office premises; office space
bureau de l'Union des Partis socialistes de la Communauté européenne m
англ. bureau of the Confederation of Socialist Parties of the European Community
bureaux meubles m
заг. desks furniture
Bureau Cour de justice m
політ. authority Court of Justice
 Французький тезаурус
bureau m
військ., логіст. Eléments composant un état-major ou une division d’état-major. Il peut lui même être organisée en plusieurs sections. (FRA)
Bureau de coordination du Programme d'action mondial pour la protection du milieu marin contre la: 2 фрази в 1 тематиці
Організація Об'єднаних Націй2