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doc [dɔk] імен.
комп., Майкр. umqulu (Any self-contained piece of work created with an application program and, if saved on disk, given a unique filename by which it can be retrieved)
 Англійський тезаурус
DOC [dɔk] скор.
абрев. Date Of Completion; Department Of Conservation; Direct Operating Cost; Dave's Own Citadel; Day Old Chick (en Deff); De.organizationCCC (Usenet, CCC); Demonstrate Observe Correct; Desired Operational Capability; Digital Oscillator Control; Display Operator Console; Dream Of Children; Dumbarton Oaks Collection; Dynamic Overload Control; Medical Advisory Systems, Inc.; direct operational costs
абрев., IT Distributed Object Computing; Text DOCument; decimal-to-octal conversion; department of commerce (Bricker)
абрев., авто. diesel oxidizing converter
абрев., автомат. depth of cut
абрев., авіац. dicrect operating costs (Interex); data output channel; Department Of Communication, Canada; description of change; direct other charge
абрев., ам.англ. Department of Corrections (Anglophile)
абрев., біол. deoxycorticosterone
абрев., вет. poussin d'un jour
абрев., військ. Department Of Commerce; Directorate Of Contracting; designed operational capability
абрев., військ., авіац. data and operations center
абрев., довк. Documentation Of Compliance
абрев., екол. dissolved organic carbon (лист безопасности Yuriy83)
абрев., ел. dielectric-on-center conductor (semfromshire); data output clock pulse; data over cable; decimal to octal conversion; depth of charge; drop out compensator; dynamic output control
абрев., Канада Department of Communications
абрев., логіст. document charge; Document of Certification
абрев., мед. Doctors Opposing Circumcision; Doctors Ought To Care; Date of Conception (harser); deoxycholate
абрев., метео. U.S. Department of Commerce
абрев., мор., науков. Department of Commerce; Dissolved Organic Carbon
абрев., мор.пр. Document of Compliance (Ying)
абрев., муз. Dirge of Cerberus
абрев., назв.орг. Documents Service
абрев., нафт. declaration of compliance; drilled out cement
абрев., новозел. Department of Concervation (министерсво по защите окружеющей среды gauma)
абрев., осв. Department Of Corrections
абрев., ох.здор., мед. Duty Of Care
абрев., под. documentation charge (Yuriy83)
абрев., поліц. Drug Of Choice
абрев., рел. Disciples Of Christ
абрев., страх. drive-other-car endorsement
абрев., тварин. 11-deoxycorticosterone; desoxycorticosterone
абрев., текстиль. data on children's steepwear
абрев., тех. Diesel-Oil Cement (Vosoni); Drop-Out Compensator (Vosoni)
абрев., фізіол. Dissolved Organic Compound
абрев., фізіол., мед. Died of Other Causes; Dissolved Oxygen Content
абрев., хім., науков. Dissolved Organic Compounds
абрев., шотл.вир. Delayed Opening Chaff; District Officer Commanding; Division Officer Course (USA)
військ. date of change; death from other causes; defense operations center; degree of cooperation; demonstration of operational capability; design operational capability; direct operating costs; due-out cancellation
екол. dissolved oxygen concentration
міжн.торг., абрев. Department of Commerce (U. S.)
тех. data operations and control; data optimizing computer; day old cockerel
тлб. dropout compensator
трансп., абрев. Department of Commerce (US)
юр. Department of Correction
юр., абрев. Department of Corrections (Washington)
DoC [dɔk] імен.
заг. Declaration of Commerciality (Yeldar Azanbayev)
абрев. declaration of conformance (igisheva); Declaration of Conformity (Artjaazz)
абрев., метео. Department of @ConservationN.Z.
мор. Document of Compliance (ла гата)
IT Declaration of Conformity
doc [dɔk] імен.
військ., жарг. document (MichaelBurov); doctor (MichaelBurov)
IT documentation
Doc. скор.
абрев. doctor
.doc імен.
розшир.ф. Documentation (file name extensions)
doc. скор.
абрев. document
Docs [dɔk] скор.
абрев., ек. document (s)
.DOC імен.
IT application/msword
docs. скор.
абрев. documents (Vosoni)
DOCS скор.
абрев. Department Of Community Services; DSCS Operations Control System
абрев., військ. Documents; DSCS Operational Control System
абрев., ел. digital optical communications system; digital optical control system
абрев., мед. deoxycorticoides
абрев., нафт. drilling operations computer system
абрев., стом. Dental Organization For Conscious Sedation
абрев., юр. Department Of Child Snatching
військ. digital/optical control system