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комп., Майкр. Vòng
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дієслово | прикметник | до фраз
cycle ['saɪk(ə)l] дієсл.
комп., Майкр. chu kỳ (A user-defined period of time during which you can schedule form data entry, review, or approval, or report review or approval through assignments, or schedule server actions, also known as jobs. Cycle also defines the time period for which data can be submitted)
Cycle ['saɪk(ə)l] прикм.
комп., Майкр. Vòng (A SmartArt graphic layout type that includes layouts designed to show a continual process)
 Англійський тезаурус
cycle ['saɪk(ə)l] скор.
абрев. bicycle; cu
абрев., авіац. CYC
військ., абрев. cy
землезн. Hz
тепл., абрев. c
CYCLES скор.
абрев., мор., науков. Cyclone Extratropical Storms
океан. Cyclonic Extratropical Storms
: 9 фраз в 1 тематиці