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заг. fel; feluppkomst; funktionsavbrott
зв’яз. extra minus
землезн. маш. haveri; maskinskada
комп., Майкр. fel
осв. misslyckande
с/г. ogrodd kärna
| in
заг. i
| testing
ек. provning
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іменник | прикметник | до фраз
failure ['feɪljə] імен.
зв’яз. extra minus
землезн., маш. haverí
осв. mìsslyckande
failure ['feɪljə] прикм.
заг. fèl; feluppkomst; funktionsavbrott; underlåtenhet
зв’яз. extra minus tappat plus
землезн., маш. maskinskada
комп., Майкр. fèl (The inability of a computer system or related device to operate reliably or to operate at all)
матеріалозн., мет. sàmmanbrott
с/г. ogrodd kärna
трансп. försúmmelse
трансп., маш. bòrtfall; brott; stòpp
IT säkerhetsbrott
 Англійський тезаурус
failure ['feɪljə] скор.
абрев., амер., сленг bust (The whole idea was a bust)
військ., абрев. fail; flr
військ., логіст. Fault in one equipment or in one part of an equipment, requiring an unscheduled corrective technical intervention. (FRA); When an item of equipment is incapable of functioning, owing to internal reasons. Such an item of equipment is unable to carry out the operational functions for which it was designed. (FRA)
failure in
: 3 фрази в 3 тематиках