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 Англійський тезаурус
ES скор.
абрев., військ., ППО expert system; Earth station; echo sounder; electronic support; electronic-warfare support; electronic surveillance; end system (ATM)
абрев., хім. electron spectroscopy
ESED дієсл.
мет. energy saving electric drive (ESED 4.0 is a solution that allows extruders to optimize the number of hydraulic pumps for greater energy efficiency. — ESED 4.0 – Решение, которое позволяет экструдерам оптимизировать число гидравлических насосов для повышения энергоэффективности. tajga22)
ES скор.
абрев. East Side; Easter Seals; Easter Sunday; Economic And Social; Empire State; Employment Statistics; Eureka Springs; Spanish; Red Hat Enterprise Linux Enterprise Server (RedHat, Linux); Early Spring; Early Starter; Earth Standard; Echo Suppressor; Econometric Society; Ecuadorian Salt; Education Specialist; Edward Stanley; el electrostatic; Electrical Stress; electronic switching; Electronic Warfare Support; Elementary Scenario; Elementary Submodel; Elite Stupidity; Embedded Systems; emergency shelter (Дюнан); Emplacement Site; Empty Scrotum; End Strength; End System (ATM); End-System (ISO); Enemy Status; Enjoy Skateboarding; Enjoy Skating; Entomological Society; equal section; Errored Seconds (DS1/E1); Ethnological Society; Etymological Society; European Standard (ETSI); Even Steven; Evidence Symmetry; Evil Stepmother; Exchangeable Sodium; Executive Sedan; Exit To Shell; Exploitation Support; Exploratory Studies; Extended Services (OS/2); External Subscriber; Extra Seconds; Extra Segment (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler); Economic and Social Department (FAO); electrical section; electrostatical; electrostatics; engineering study; Engineer School; engine sized; exempt securities; electrospray
абрев., IT Error Sources; Event Sequence; electromagnetic storage; electronic switch; elementary stream; extra segment; enhanced service; evolutionary strategy
абрев., авто. electronic sensor; electronic switch; energy saving; engineering specification; experts system
абрев., авіац. extended squitter (MichaelBurov); econ speed; engineering schedule; engineering standard; engineering suppliers; escape slide; eutectic solder; evident safety; ejection seat; employee suggestion; engine start; engineering survey; EW electronic warfare support; external specification; extreme soft
абрев., бізн. earliest start time; engineering stores
абрев., біот. Embryonic stem (Altuntash); stem cell
абрев., вист. earliest start
абрев., військ. En Suite; Echo Sounding; Electromagnetic Switching; Electronic Support; Electronic Warfare Support Measures; equipment section; Error Seconds; Expert System; electronic support; electronic warfare support; executive secretariat
абрев., військ., ЗМУ Engineering Science, Incorporated
абрев., ек. extra series; energy sector; early start time
абрев., ел. electrical simulation; electronic stylus; electronic suppression; electronic switching; electron synchrotron; element synchronization; elevator seeking; embedded SPGA architecture; emission spectrometer; enable serial interrupt; end of special sequence; engineering sample; environment subsystem; erasable storage; error signal; error status; etched clean surface coverage; Ethernet switch; event schedule; exchange service; excitation spectrum; exposure station; extended surround; event select
абрев., ел., науков. Embedded System; Expert system
абрев., ел.тех. economy shutdown; electrostatic storage
абрев., звар. Elongated Slag (Yeldar Azanbayev)
абрев., землезн. early sample; Earth sciences; Earth Sciences Laboratory; Earth-Space; element sulphur; emission spectrometry; epidote skarn; evolution strategy; exchanges; experiment station; external standard
абрев., клін.досл. enrolled set (все субъекты, подписавшие форму информированного согласия coltuclu)
абрев., комп., мереж. electronic standard; end system; enterprise system; expansion slot
абрев., комп., мереж., IT Enterprise Solution
абрев., косм. electrical schematic; electronic scanner; electronically scanned; escape system; expert systems
абрев., космон. Economic and Social Policy Department (FAO)
абрев., лаб. Effective Sample; Enzyme Substrate
абрев., ліс. environmental statement
абрев., Макаров earth station; emission spectroscopy
абрев., мед. Eiffel Syndrome - From "I Fell On It" Excuse By Patient With A Foreign Object In The Rectum; Elejalde Syndrome; Endocrine Society; Epileptic Syndrome; Embryonic Stem; Electromagnetic Sensitivity; electrical system; end to side; end-to-side; experience seeking; expertation score; extracellular space
абрев., мед., лат. enema saponis
абрев., мет. electroslag
абрев., мор., науков. Executive Secretariat
абрев., назв.орг. Dipartimento dello sviluppo economico e sociale
абрев., науков. English Studies
абрев., нафт. electrical sounding; electrical survey; emulsion stability (andrushin); Earth satellite; Earth Sciences; Earth Sciences Division; earth switch; East Siberian; edge cliff subcrop; Edison screw; electric sounding; electric survey standard; electrical logging; electron spectroscopy; electronic schematic; electrostatics; Emergency Standard; emission spectrum; enamel single-silk-covered; energy saving (case); engineering simulator; engineering standardization; envelope select; environmental survey; equigranular syenite; equivalent solution; ester surfactant; ether surfactant; expandable stabilizer; extra soft; extra strong; extrusive serpentinite sheet; polyester-urethane; specific energy; Western Sahara
абрев., нафт.газ electric log (MichaelBurov); Emergency Situation (MichaelBurov); electrical survey (log MichaelBurov)
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал. electric survey
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал.р. electrical stability
абрев., осв. Environmental Science
абрев., осв., науков. Engineering Science
абрев., полім. Electrochemical Society; electrostatic; engine sizing; engine-sized; even-sided
абрев., політ. Spain; El Salvador
абрев., пром. exposure standard (igisheva)
абрев., с/г. emulsion for seed treatment
абрев., сист.безп. electronic shutter; electronic surveillance
абрев., суднобуд. echo sounding; extrastrong
абрев., текстиль. Extra Small
абрев., тлб. edge smoothing (y-petrovsky)
абрев., фізіол. Electrical Stimulation
абрев., фізіол., мед. Electrical stimulation
абрев., хім. electronic structure
абрев., хім., науков. Einsteinium
абрев., ЦП earned surplus
абрев., шотл.вир. Civil aircraft marking (Estonia); Eurosam; EW Support; Extreme Spread
абрев., юр. Enhanced Security
абрев., ЄС European specification (Andrey Truhachev)
військ. electronic system; eligible for separation; embarkation staff; emergency service; engineer stores; engineering service; engineering specifications; engineering support; equipment simulator; equipment specification; essential services; experimental station; exterior surface
ел. Engineering specification
енерг. earthing switch; ecological security; economic security; elastic scattering; electrostatic separator; energy cascade; energy security; energy supply; energy system; engineered storage; environmental security; equilibrium stage; equity share; extended shutdown
залізнич. electric passenger car
комп. errored second
нафт.газ emergency signal; emergency steamout
од.вимір. Exceeds standard
тех. echo sounder; electrical supply; electromagnetic simulator; electron spectrometer; electronic section; electronic synchrotron; electroshock; electrostatic spraying; empties side; engineered safeguards; examination standard; external shield; extraction steam; sporadic E
Игорь Миг, абрев., науков. Emerging Science
Es скор.
абрев. sweep efficiency (MichaelBurov)
абрев., військ., авіац. einsteinium
абрев., ген. esterase
абрев., мед. esterase
абрев., нафт. total potential of spontaneous potential
es скор.
абрев. electrostatic unit of quantity of electricity; electrostatic CGS unit of quantity of electricity; echo
абрев., суднобуд. earth switch
eS скор.
абрев. source elevation with respect to datum
: 2 фрази в 2 тематиках
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