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sic [sɪk] дієсл.наголоси
заг. натравить (кого-либо на на кого-либо, особ. собаку: He sicced his dog on me!); натравливать (Anglophile); науськивать (Alexander Demidov); спускать (собаку на кого-либо: He sicced his dog on me! Anglophile); подстрекать; натравливать (with на + acc., a dog on)
розм. науськивать (a dog)
собак. взять (команда собаке: Sic 'em, Mitzi.)
SIC [sɪk] скор.
бізн. СпИК (специальный инвестиционный контракт – special investment contract MichaelBurov)
SiC [sɪk] скор.
мікроел., хім.номенкл. карбид кремния (Alex_Odeychuk)
фіз. карборунд
sic [sɪk] присл.
лат. так! (помета, указывающая на точное соответствие оригиналу; обыкн. ставится в квадратных скобках после слова или выражения); так в оригинале (Andrew052); так в исходном тексте (помета переводчика или редактора) Sic is frequently used to indicate that an error of spelling, grammar, or logic has been quoted faithfully: The House of Representatives shall chuse [sic] their Speaker... 4uzhoj); так в тексте (помета переводчика или редактора) Sic is frequently used to indicate that an error of spelling, grammar, or logic has been quoted faithfully: The House of Representatives shall chuse [sic] their Speaker... 4uzhoj)
 Англійський тезаурус
SIC [sɪk] скор.
абрев., авіац. science information center; security intelligence corp; selected item configuration; software integration center; steady initial climb; system integration center; system interfaces change
абрев., ел. satellite interface controller; saturation-induced crosstalk; selectively implanted collector; selectively ion-implanted collector process; self-interaction correction; send interface clear; simulated input control; single input change; small instructional computer; smart interface card; social implications of computer; software integrated construction; SONET interface card; special interest committee; standard integrated component; State Information Center; surface-induced crystallization; system integrated center
абрев., мед. serum insulin concentration
абрев., мед., фр. Société Internationale de Chirurgie
SiC [sɪk] скор.
абрев. silicon carbide
абрев., ґрунт. silty clay
β-SiC скор.
абрев., ел. cubic silicon carbide
α-SiC скор.
абрев., ел. amorphous silicon carbide
SIC [sɪk] скор.
абрев. Short Interval Control (Ася Кудрявцева); Spacecraft Identification Code; Standard Industrial Code; Standard Industry Classification; Standard Industry Code; Score Information Criterion; Secure Identification Chip; Serious Injury Clan; Severely Indebted Category; Shared Image Creator; Sno Info Conference; Society Of Indigent Cattle; Special Industry Code; Specializing In Competition; Spelled In Correctly; Standard Industrial Codes; Subject Indicator Code; System Integration Configuration; structure influence coefficient; Special International Council
абрев., IT Symbolic Instruction Code; silicon integrated circuit
абрев., автомат. standard industry classification
абрев., авіац. simple interference cancellation; system isolation contactor
абрев., ауд. Standing Interpretations Committee (Andrius)
абрев., бр.англ. Security Intelligence Corps
абрев., бібл., науков. Spelling In Context
абрев., бізн. SPIC (инструмент импортозамещения и локализации MichaelBurov); special investment contract (инструмент импортозамещения и локализации MichaelBurov); so written
абрев., бірж. Securities Investment Company
абрев., військ. Second In Command; Standard Industry Classifications; Survey Information Center; System Integration Contractor; subject identification code; supporting intelligence center
абрев., військ., авіац. Stryker infantry carrier
абрев., ел. Science Information Council
абрев., ел., науков. Silicon Carbide
абрев., ел.тех. simultaneous interchange capability
абрев., землезн. selected ion current; solid inorganic carbon; standard industrial category; Sudbury Igneous Complex; suitable criterion
абрев., ЗМІ Said In Context; Stand In Context
абрев., комп., IT Supply Installation and Commissioning
абрев., косм. service instruction circular; Special Interest Committee of ACM; Standard Information Center; standard interface connector; structural influence coefficient; successive interference cancellation; support identification code
абрев., лаб. Streptococcal Inhibitor of Complement
абрев., мед. sample injection cup (harser); small intestine content (Gherkinator)
абрев., нафт. S-N data; Scientific Information Committee; Singapore Interpretation Center
абрев., опт. semiconductor integrated circuit
абрев., осв. Spelling Is Correct
абрев., полім. specific inductive capacity
абрев., пошт. Stepwise Improvement Classification (training method in Siemens OCR Adaptive Read system)
абрев., р.лок. system identification code (ASTERIX Mgerchik)
абрев., рел. Sisters In Christ; Soldiers In Christ
абрев., спорт. Sepang International Circuit
абрев., стат., логіст. statistical inventory control (Karabas)
абрев., торг. System of International Certification (mizu_no)
абрев., трансп. Seat In Coach; Standard Industrial Classification
абрев., фін. supply shift
абрев., шотл.вир. Senior Intelligence Committee (USA)
абрев., інт. Said In Content
аероп. Sinop, Turkey
військ. satellite information center; scientific information center; second-in-command; signal intelligence center; sonar information center; standard inspection criteria; station identification code; survey information center; systems integration contract
комп. spatial interference cancellation
тех. sonar intelligence center; station-identification code
Sic. скор.
абрев. Sicily
Sic [sɪk] скор.
абрев., землезн. calcite saturation index
sic: 57 фраз в 26 тематиках
Азартні ігри1
Бухгалтерський облік крім аудиту2
Військовий термін2
Загальна лексика7
Латинська мова7
Мобільний та стільниковий зв'язок1
Нотаріальна практика4
Радиоактивное излучение1
Розмовна лексика2
Фізика твердого тіла1
Юридична лексика4
Ядерна фізика1