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до фраз
naval aviationнаголоси
заг. военно-морская авиация (wikipedia.org pfedorov)
авіац. авиация BMC
військ. авиация военно-морского флота; морская авиация
військ., авіац. авиация военно-морских сил
мор. гидроавиация
Naval Aviation
заг. авиация ВМС
 Англійський тезаурус
naval aviation
військ., логіст. An arm of the navy whose mission is to engage the enemy, to provide air cover for naval forces, to conduct airborne reconnaissance in maritime theatres of operations and perform other missions. Its aircraft are subdivided according to purpose and armament into missile-carrying, antisubmarine, fighter, assault, reconnaissance, specialized or radar patrol, electronic countermeasures, in-flight refuelling, mine clearance, search-and-rescue and transport types. These may be carrier-based, coastal, land-based or shipborne. (UKR/NATO)
naval aviation center: 13 фраз в 1 тематиці
Військовий термін13