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coulometric titrationнаголоси
анал.хім. кулонометрия с контролируемым током; гальваностатическая кулонометрия; амперостатическая кулонометрия; кулонометрия при постоянном токе
тех. кулонометрическое титрование (Coulometric titrations use a constant current system to accurately quantify the concentration of a species. In this experiment, the applied current is equivalent to a titrant. Current is applied to the unknown solution until all of the unknown species is either oxidized or reduced to a new state, at which point the potential of the working electrode shifts dramatically. This potential shift indicates the endpoint. The magnitude of the current (in amperes) and the duration of the current (seconds) can be used to determine the moles of the unknown species in solution. When the volume of the solution is known, then the molarity of the unknown species can be determined. wikipedia.org)
хім. кулометрическое титрование
coulometric titration
: 9 фраз в 3 тематиках
Аналітична хімія5