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заг. work really hard (ART Vancouver); work long and hard (I worked long and hard to get that opportunity. ART Vancouver); bust one's ass (КГА); beaver (как бобёр); slave away (Taras)
Игорь Миг put in great effort; be an overachiever
вибори be hard at work (+ gerund; example provided by ART Vancouver: Our design and restoration team has been hard at work bringing the 16th-century castle's interiors back to life.)
Макаров beaver away (как бобер)
розм. beaver away (joyand)
ідіом. put one's nose to the grindstone (The mayor should be putting his nose to the grindstone to fix this problem right now. ART Vancouver); keep one's nose to the grindstone (to do hard, continuous work (Merriam-Webster) | to work very hard for a long time (Cambridge Dictionary) *ONE'S nose*: It's 11:37 am...just about finished their 2 hour break in time for their 3 hour lunch. Then nose to the grindstone for 15 minutes of solid work and call it a day. Brutal working conditions... ART Vancouver)