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рассчитанный на
 рассчитан на
заг. intended for
мат. is rated at; is rated for; is designed for; is tailored for
 рассчитанный на
заг. calculated as at; aimed at; in an effort to
нафт.газ., сахал. rated at
пром. scaled to fit
| давление
заг. pressure
200 | фунт
заг. avoirdupois
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до фраз
рассчитанный нанаголоси
заг. calculated as at (ABelonogov); aimed at ([aimed at non-specialist audience] Phyloneer); in an effort to (cognachennessy); tailored to (в некоторых контекстах I. Havkin); intended to last (The suits currently used during spacewalks were designed more than 40 years ago and were only intended to last 15 years Гевар); -friendly (kids-friendly – рассчитанный на детей visitor)
наук.-досл. suitable for (контекстный перевод igisheva)
нафт.газ., сахал. rated at
пром. scaled to fit (по масштабу, размаху, объёму Phyloneer)
розм. geared towards (какую-либо категорию населения, потребителей и т.п.: I’m putting together a downloadable booklet for adults to go with our 10-Year Banking Plan. Currently, the only booklet we have is geared towards new parents, so we’d like to get this second version up as soon as possible. -- рассчитан на молодых родителей • The new rental building is geared towards households earning low to moderate incomes, the rents are set up such that households are not paying more than a third of their income on rent. -- рассчитано на семьи с доходом ... ART Vancouver); geared toward (Those difficulty ratings in trail guidebooks are not jokes. Nor are they strictly geared toward 75-year-old grandmothers. They mean you. -- они рассчитаны на тебя (Tyler Hopson, A Most Unnecessary Hike) ART Vancouver)
тех. meant for
рассчитан на
заг. intended for (OLGA P.); built for comfort (olga garkovik)
Игорь Миг is intended to
мат. is rated at; is rated for; is designed for; is tailored for
рассчитать на
вироб. rated for (Yeldar Azanbayev)
рассчитанный на...
сейсм. adapted to...
рассчитанный на давление 200 фунт
: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці
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