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пьяный імен.наголоси
заг. booze-addled (контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П); temulent; tippled
Gruzovik a drunk
вульг. screwed up; tight as a fart; shit-faced
військ., жарг. hot (MichaelBurov); juiced up (MichaelBurov)
народн. top heavy
сленг tan someone's hide (Interex); corked up (You'd be corked up, too, if you'd drunk as much as I have. Ты тоже был бы пьян если бы выпил столько как я. Interex); jugged up; mixed up (Interex); out of one's skull; out of one's head (Interex); high (MichaelBurov)
ідіом. cherry- merry (Seofunny)
пьяный прикм.
заг. drunk; crapulent; crapulous; maudlin; muddling; muzzy; nappy; drunken; bibacious; flyblown; glassy eyed; pie eyed; shot away; wall eyed; gingery; intoxicated; off one's nut; blind drunk; cock-eyed; inebriate; canned; jagged; lush; queer; screwy; tight; stewed; in drink; in wine; overcome by drink; overcome with drink; overtaken in drink; bacchic; ebrious; foxed; geed up; inebrious; lit up; pinko; slewed; sotted; spiffed; tiddly; wiped-out; boxed; groggy; sodden; sozzled; the worse for liquor; vinous; winy; drunken man; in one's pots; vinose; in one's pot; drunken (о резьбе); inebriated (Andrey Truhachev); up the pole; in liquor; heady; intoxicating (также перен.); as drunk as drunk could be (Artjaazz); as drunk as drunk can be (Artjaazz); crashed; sapp'd (Dude67)
Gruzovik tipsy
австрал. drongo (Sergei Aprelikov); off his face (Sergei Aprelikov)
австрал., сленг half-seas-over
амер. tanked; liquefied (Anglophile); moon-eyed (Anglophile); dixie fried (Don Sebastian); well sauced (drunk Val_Ships)
амер., прост. fuzzled
амер., розм. liquored up
амер., сленг gaged; frazzled; glassy-eyed; lit; vulcanized; looped; belted (Charikova); half-canned (Charikova); half-blind (Charikova); half-crocked (Charikova)
Брит. munted (I got so munted last night, I don't remember how I got home urbandictionary.com mancy7)
вульг. bladdered (от bladder – мочевой пузырь); peed; shitty; snotted; wazzed; langered; leathered
військ., жарг. happy (MichaelBurov); one over the eight
діал. mortal (джорди geordiegifts.co.uk whysa)
евф. that way (I'm sorry, but Fred's that way again and can't drive to work. Interex)
жарг. wreck (very drunk macmillandictionary.com kirilldzho); nimptopsical (Rones); pippo (Here's a pretty good list. Use it wisely: besotted, blasted [slang], blind, blitzed [slang], blotto [slang], bombed, boozy, canned [slang], cockeyed, crocked, drunken, fried, gassed, hammered [slang], high, impaired, inebriate, inebriated, intoxicated, juiced [slang], lit, lit up, loaded [slang], looped, oiled [slang], pickled, pie-eyed, plastered, potted [slang], ripped [slang], sloshed [slang], smashed [slang], sottish, soused, sozzled, squiffed (or squiffy), stewed, stiff, stinking [slang], stoned, tanked [slang], tiddly [chiefly British], tight, tipsy, wasted [slang], wet, wiped out [slang] merriam-webster.com ART Vancouver)
жарт. bombed (MichaelBurov); ebriose
застар. intoxicate
книжн. ebriate
Макаров bibulous; ebriated; overtaken with drink
мор., жарг. shot-away
перен. muggish; muggy
прост., Макаров lumpy
розм. juiced (MichaelBurov); drunken (senia_m); pickled (He gets pickled after only one beer); podgy; topsy (stribizhev); drunk (senia_m); boozy; loaded; plastered; lubricated; malty; pie-eyed; disguised; baked; drunk back; bousy; stocious (Letvik); stotious (Letvik); bevvied (Anglophile); plowed (также ploughed chronik); under the influence; licked (InessaS); in a sozzled state (Andrey Truhachev); pickled; wet; under-the-table; wat; fazed (sissoko)
розм., амер. two sheets to the wind
рідк. tempulent
сленг pafisticated (Svetlana D); blotto; blind; fluffy; pixilated (Interex); squiffed; soused; banged; bottled; edged; embalmed; lushed-up; maggoty; moppy; nazy; noggy; pizz; polluted; scammered; sloshed; wall-eyed; crocked; glazed; all geezed up; bagged; balmy; bamboozled; barreled up; behind the cork; bent; bewitched; blitzed; blue; blue-eyed; boiled (How can you get so boiled on wine? Как ты мог стать таким пьяным от вина? Interex); bongoed; boozed up; bowzed; breezy; bruised; buzzey; canned up; clobbered; cockeyed; comfortable; cooked; corned; cronk; crump; crumped up; cuckooed; cut; dagged; damaged; decks awash; discouraged; elevated; faint; fired up; flooey; fogmatic; four sheets in the wind; fractured; fresh; full; gassed; geared up; geezed; ginned; ginned up; glued; greased; grogged; guzzled; half under; half-cocked half cocked; half-corned; half-screwed; under the table; floating; fried; blooey (Man, I' m totaly blooey.I'm stoned to the bones. Чувак, я пьян в стельку. Interex); messed up (Interex); soggy (Interex); shaved; up a tree; S.F. (сокр. от shit-faced Anglophile); teed up; buttered (under the influence of alcohol or drugs; Solya5); batted (Interex); stoned; snooted (Interex); disguised with liquor (disguised = drunk greensdictofslang.com); belly up (After four beers, I was belly up, for sure. После четырёх бутылок пива, я точно был пьян. Interex); blown up (I guess I'm a little too blow up to drive Я думаю, я чересчур пьян, чтобы управлять автомобилем. Interex); boozy-woozy (Interex); both sheets in the wind (She's both sheets in the wind at the moment. В данный момент она пьяна. Interex); buzzy (Interex); carrying a heavy load (Interex); chipper (A glass of wine will make her chipper almost immediately. Она становится почти сразу пьяной от стакана вина. Interex); clinched (Oh, brother, are you clinched! Так ты, брат, пьян! Interex); coo-coo (How'd you get coo-coo so soon? Как ты мог так быстро опьянет? Interex); dinged out (Gary is dinged out and can't drive. Гэри пьян и не может управлять автомобилем. Interex); dipsy (I think that Jed is permanently dipsy. Я думаю Джед постоянно пьян. Interex); discomboobulated (Interex); electrified (Interex); feshnushkied (Interex); flabbergasted (After about six beers, Harry became flabbergasted and slid under the table. После приблизительно шести кружек пива Гэри опьянел и сполз под стол. Interex); flaked out (Interex); floored (You'd be floored, too, if you'd drank a dozen beers. Ты бы тоже был пьян если бы выпил дюжину бутылок пива. Interex); folded (Interex); foozlified (Interex); funked out (Interex); fuzzed (Interex); fuzzy (She was too fuzzy to drive home. Она сильно пьяна чтобы ехать домой. Interex); gauged (Interex); giffed (Interex); glad (In fact, she was too glad to stand up. В действительности она была слишком пьяна чтобы стоять. Interex); grape shot (от вина Interex); groggified (Interex); half-baked (Interex); half in the bag (Interex); half lit (Interex); have-sprung (Interex); half up the pole (Interex); hard up (Interex); heppedup (Interex); hit under the wing (Interex); hooched up (Interex); honkers (Interex); honked (Interex); horizontal (Interex); in a bad way (Interex); in rare form (Interex); in the suds (Interex); jambled (Interex); jiggered (Interex); juiced to the gills (Interex); laid to the bone (Interex); loaded to the gills (Interex); loaded to the barrel (Interex); maggotty (Interex); maxed out (Interex); Mickey finished (игра слов на Mickey Finn Interex); milled (Interex); moist around the edges (Interex); mopped (Interex); muddied up (Interex); on the sauce (Interex); out cold (Interex); out of the way (Interex); perked up (Interex); piffled (He was so fiffled he couldn't walk. Он был настолько пьян, что не мог идти. Interex); phfft (Interex); pifflicated (Interex); pippedup (Interex); pixolated (Interex); plootered (Interex); poopied (Interex); pop-eyed (Interex); popped (Interex); half-stewed; hammered; happy (обычно слегка); heeled; high lonesome; hoary-eyed; hooted; pummeled (Interex); putrid (Interex); put the bed with a shovel (Interex); quartzed (Interex); rattled (Interex); sauced (Man, do you look sauced. Чувак, ты выглядишь пьяным. Interex); candу (I thing he's too candy to drive. Я думаю он слышком пьян для вождения. Interex); in bad shape (Interex); in the bag (Interex); schicker (Two glasses of wine and she was totally schicker. Два стакана вина и она была совершенно пьяна. Interex); screwed tight (Interex); screwed, blued, and tattooed (Interex); S.F. (How can that guy get so S.F.? Как мог этот парень так опьянеть? Interex); shagged (Interex); shredded (Interex); sizzled (Interex); skunked (Interex); slewy (Interex); slugged (Interex); snoozamorooed (Interex); soppingwet (Interex); soppy (Interex); soupy (Interex); spifficated (Interex); spificated (Interex); starched (Interex); starchy (Interex); stozzled (Interex); stuccoed (Interex); stung (Interex); swamped (Interex); swoozled (Interex); swozzled (Interex); tanky (Interex); thawed (Interex); tiddled (Interex); tiffled (Interex); tipply (Interex); toasted (Interex); topsy-boozy (Interex); topsy-turvy (She was too topsy-turvy to stand up. Она была слишком пьяна чтобы стоять. Interex); totalled (Interex); touched (Interex); trammeled (Interex); upholstered (Interex); walking on rocky socks (Interex); waxed (Interex); whazood (Interex); waa-zooed (Interex); winged (Interex); zagged (Interex); zissified (Interex); zoobang (Interex); zooted (Interex); zorked (Interex); arseholed (I got totally arseholed on Saturday night. Interex); elephant's (He shouldn't be driving! He's bloody elephant's. Interex); cotton-eyed (NightHunter); how-come-ye-so; illuminated; in one's cups; in the gun; jake; jammed; jazzed; jolly; jug-steamed; jungled; Kentucky fried; keyed up to the roof; lathered; limp; lined; lit to the guards; lit up like the gills; lit up like the guards; loaded for bear; loop-legged; lushed up; melted; knocked out; slushed up (Interex); mulled mulled up; oiled; on; on the lee lurch; organized; orie-eyed; orry-eyed; oryide; ossified; out; out of it; out on the roof; overboard; overset; owl-eyed; owly eyed; packaged (Svetlana D); paid; parboiled; pasted; pee'd; peonied; pepped; peppedup; peppy; piffed; pifficated; pigeon-eyed; pilfered; piped; plunked; polished up; potted; preserved; primed; primed to the ears; primed to the muzzle; pruned; pushed; queered; raunchie; raunchy; right; rigid; Rileyed; ripe; ripped off; ripped up; rocky; ronchie; rosy; rotten; rum dum; rum-dam; rumdum; sap-happy; sawed; schnozzle; scraunched; screwed; scronched; scrooched; sent; merry; over the hump; puggled; ready the ready; shikker; shot; shot in the neck; sleepy; slopped; slopped over; smashed; smoked; snapped; snozzle; snozzled; snubbed; snuffy; soaked; soapy-eyed; soshed; spifflicated; sprung; squiffy; stiff; stinko; striped; stunned; swacked; swazzled; swiped; tacky; tandiged; tangle-footed; three sheets in to the wind; tipped; tired; tuned; tweased; tweeked; twisted; varnished; vegetable; weak-Jointed; well oiled well-oiled; whipped; hot short; whipsy; whittled; whooshed; wilted; wing-heavy; wiped out; woofled; woozy; wuzzy; zig-zag; zonked; slammed (АБ Berezitsky); sozzly; blown away (Charikova); impaired (Anglophile); Brahms and Liszt (Anglophile); squizzed (Anglophile); stonkered (Anglophile); swizzled (Anglophile); whistled (Anglophile); whiffled (Anglophile); psyched (out Interex); torn up (alcohol or drug intoxicated: He wasn't just drunk – he was massively tore up cnlweb); boozed; circling over Shannon (букв.Летающий кругами над Шэнноном. Российский вклад в ирландский слэнг. Знаменитый случай с Борисом Ельциным, когда он на подлёте к аэропорту Шэннон оказался совершенно не в дугу. Самолёт нарезал 6 лишних кругов по воздуху, чтобы у помощников было время привести босса в чувство, но у них так ничего и не получилось. Mirinare); peloothered (an old irish slang term for drunken. Serguei_N7); steamed up; under the weather; faded (HarlemHomeboy)
сленг, Макаров awash
шотл.вир. fou as a wulk (Yerkwantai); steamin (SergeyLetyagin)
юр. drunken person
Gruzovik, прям.перен. intoxicating
ідіом. have a glow on ('He had a glow on already. His voice was vibrant and cheerful.' (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); loaded to the gunwales (Халеев); higher than a kite (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ірл.мов. flaming (сленг Franka_LV); Gee-Eyed (Franka_LV); scuttered (в зюзю, в дым, в хлам и т. д. slang.ie Андрей Шагин); fluthered (ad_notam); paralytic (ad_notam); Buckled (Букв. – согнутый Franka_LV); locked (ad_notam); numbs (ad_notam); shlossed (ad_notam); warped (ad_notam); motherless (ad_notam)
«пьяный» прикм.
маш., застар. drunken (о резьбе)
пьян прикм.
заг. slapped (To be intoxicated from the effects of alcohol. Under the influence of something. Artjaazz); Drunk as hell (Artjaazz); High as hel (Artjaazz); drunk (SirReal); as full as a fiddle; full as a fiddle; gone (Artjaazz)
розм. full (full as a fiddle)
сленг elephant's (Interex); up to the gills; full (as a fiddle)
вдребезги пьяный прикм.
заг. blind to the world
пьяные прикм.
заг. drunk people (из учебника dimock)
 Російський тезаурус
пьяна прикм.
заг. река в европейской части Российской Федерации, левый приток Суры. 436 км, площадь бассейна 8060 км2. Средний расход воды 25 м3/с. Очень извилиста; в бассейне карстовые формы рельефа. Судоходна в низовьях. На Пьяне - г. Сергач. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
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